We all can sense that America is at a tipping point. The anger and the pain has been building up for years, and the only solution seems to be an eventual collision.
But God has spoken! And He has declared that we are not enemies! Our great God has laid out plainly in His holy word exactly what He expects of us if our nation is going to be healed from the sickness of hatred – A National Season of Forgiveness.
We must fall to our knees and pray. We must ask God to forgive us of our sins and we must forgive one another, without exception. Does that sound impossible? Maybe it would be, if you were alone. But God has sent His Holy Spirit to be a comfort and our advocate AND He has given us the Body of Believers, the Church, to accomplish His great work TOGETHER in unity.
Be a part of this great movement! Click the link below and visit WeAreNotEnemies.com to commit to one year of prayer, starting on November 26, 2023 and continuing until November 26, 2024.
This grassroots movement is nationwide, healing boundaries and spreading like wildfire. You can be a part of it by committing yourself, your family, or even your church to this focused season of prayer.
Will you heed God’s call today?
We Are Not Enemies: https://wearenotenemies.com