Sing the Truth in Love (ft. Natasha Owens)

God-given talents are for God-given work!

Natasha Owens has not had an easy journey to where she is now, but she is very clear: she owes it all to God. Now as she serves Him, she is putting her INCREDIBLE musical talents to the task of speaking (or singing!) the truth at every opportunity.

We talk a little about how God used tragedy to bring her to Him when she needed it most, and now how her music hopes to do the same thing for others.

Listen in!



Elaine Beck 0:11
Hi everyone. Elaine Beck here, and as you know, this is our show. It’s not about us. And I have a dear friend with me today. Her name is Natasha Owens, and Natasha has been given a gift from God that I just, you know, I I’ve always had a I can carry a note that’s about it voice, but always realized, as I was going to church and and hearing the beautiful hymns by people that had these gorgeous voices like yours. And I remember going up to one one year and saying, you know, I want to thank you. And she said for what, and I said for sharing what God gave you. Because when that is a gift that God gives you, that voice of singing, that that gift of singing, and those beautiful voices, you know, I appreciate it, because I can’t do that, but to hear you always makes me feel so good inside.

Natasha Owens 1:11
Oh, that makes me feel so great. You know, I grew up with anxiety, and I never wanted to be in the spotlight or to anybody to really know that that was me singing or whatever. So it’s been a progression for me to be able to share what, what I feel like God has given me, and he’s, he’s definitely pulled me out for a reason, and I haven’t quite figured it out, but I’m just walking it and trusting in Him and letting Him guide me,

Elaine Beck 1:34
you know. And I can say the same thing because I was very shy as a child and very scared of everything. And I remember even just, you know, 20 years ago, being in real estate, and I couldn’t say my own name and the name of my company and that for a 15 minute, you know, I was supposed to be doing an ad. I couldn’t get the whole thing out in 15 seconds, 30 seconds, no

Natasha Owens 1:58
You’re so outgoing. I would have never believe that, right, right?

Elaine Beck 2:01
But you know, when God gives you something to do, he gives you the gifts to do it with, right? And so he gave you that beautiful voice to bring you out and use that gift of yours.

Natasha Owens 2:12
Oh, thank you.

Elaine Beck 2:13
You are so welcome. Natasha, so what do you think of our CPAC so far this year?

Natasha Owens 2:19
Oh, it’s always amazing, together with like minded individuals who love God, who love this country, and who’s in the trenches, fighting and making a difference. I am so blessed and proud to be a part of it.

Elaine Beck 2:30
Me too. Yeah, you know, I mean, I love it that, you know, this is the time when everybody you talk to, I don’t care if it’s a senator or a governor or it’s, you know, people that are big names in anything. I don’t care if they’re a football player, you know, we’re all the same. Yeah, we’re all God’s children. We all have problems and troubles and trials like everybody else and and yet, God’s using us in a way that we speak to many. Some, you know, and I was telling somebody earlier, I said, I can’t compare to a Newsmax or something, but you know what, as long as God’s using me, I don’t care how little it is, if it’s only to help one person, I’m good with it. How about you?

Natasha Owens 3:19
Oh, absolutely I say, you know, I have promoters and managers that stress when we’re out in concerts, you know, will it be a sold out house? Will it be, you know, completely packed? And I said, You know what? I don’t care about that. I pray that whoever needs something from me, from from God, using me, will be here tonight, and their life will be changed. And if that’s just one person, then that that is, that’s we’re doing this rewarding, right? That’s good enough,

Elaine Beck 3:42
because, you know, ultimately, we’re only here to serve him. That’s why the show’s called. It’s not about us, because it’s not and yet we get to, you know, I know, along with the trials, we have, the enjoyment, we have the joy of the Lord in us, we have peace beyond all understanding, and that peace just comes from knowing him and knowing that he’s taken us through the troubles right,

Natasha Owens 4:10
and put us back together and put us up many times.

Elaine Beck 4:15
That’s right, shoved us on our way.

Natasha Owens 4:18
He’s had a big dust pan with me. Let me just tell you, he’s dusted a lot off.

Elaine Beck 4:23
I get it. I think he has with everybody, you know. I think we’re all very much the same in that, you know, I wasn’t raised in a family where the Christian religion was practiced. We were pushed out the door to go to church for a babysitter once in a while, but we weren’t really taught the right way. And, you know, so I didn’t come to the Lord at a real young age. So I look at these people that are taught, you know, even my grandchildren, great grandchildren, that have been taught from the time they were little, you know, and and that, know, the. Lord already at a young age. And I say, Wow, what a blessing that must be that God used me. And by the sounds of things, a little bit of you through a little rough times, a little trials, a little mistakes, and you know that fallen down thing, I think he used us to make us the people he wants us to be. I used to say, I’ve been through my problems in order for me to become the person I am. That isn’t what’s important, right? I want to be the person God wants me to be. That’s right?

Natasha Owens 5:35
And it’s a constant process. You know, I was raised in church, Seventh Generation united, Pentecostal, wow. And had never really been through anything tough until 2010 when my dad was cleaning his guns. Bullet hit him in the heart. He died. Wow. And my anchor was through religion and not directly to God. So I had the opposite story of yours, but yet I wondered, lost at at 30 something years old, just not questioning if there ever was a god. You know, I was so angry at my dad’s death, and I and I spoke negativity. We have the power of life and death in our time. We do. And so I did not speak life, and I downs proud, and I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for God crossing my path with music at the perfect timing. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be here.

Elaine Beck 6:23
God is so good, such a beautiful story, dear. Thank you for sharing that with my audience, because this is, this is the power of God. Is what’s behind our shows, right? And I know I was just talking to somebody a little bit ago about, you know, well, you know, how do you make you know up what you’re going to talk to people about, or how do you how do you plan it? Or what do you have ready? And I said, I go in and I pray ahead of time, and I ask God to be there, lead me and give me the words. That’s my preparation. Yeah, I said, because if it isn’t natural, if it doesn’t come from the Lord, that’s right, then it’s just fake anyway. That’s right. You know,

Natasha Owens 7:05
we are all weak, but he is our strength, and he provides what we need, when we need it,

Elaine Beck 7:09
absolutely every bit of it. That’s right, you know. So what are you up to next after this? And you’re you’re singing tonight,

Natasha Owens 7:17
I’m singing tonight at the CPAC Reagan dinner on the Star Spangled Banner, and my song from last year that hit number one called Trump one. Yeah, a little bit of praise and worship too. You gotta, you gotta bring God into that country and political side for sure, right, right? So we are. We’ve been putting out singles since last year with Trump won the second protects the first party, people. We’re coming out with a beautiful song from Psalms called Blessed is the nation whose God is our Lord. Oh, and I just, I would love that’s an inauguration song that needs to be declared upon this country when we pull this thing back, right? And so we’re hitting, we’re hitting topics of truth. We’re hitting topics to give a voice back to the people who have had their voices been taken from them. We’re doing a border song, a human trafficking song, so stay tuned. We’re putting out an album right at summertime called Trump one, and it’s going to have all of these songs on it.

Elaine Beck 8:15
I love that, you know, I love the fact that you’re not out there looking for applause for yourself or anything. You are building up the people in this country, and speaking of the people that God wants in place and and you’re encouraging everybody in this country by your music.

Natasha Owens 8:38
I am, and I’m trying to motivate the Christians. You know, it’s the Christian community that doesn’t do a very good job about voting. Yes, 47 even 47 million evangelicals are not registered to vote. And I’ve been trying since 2018 when New York and Virginia did the full term abortions, trying to wake up the church. We have got like, like Bonhoeffer said, not to act is to act if there is evil, we do not push against it. That’s evil in itself. That is Amen. And I would have thought the pornography in the schools, the transgender topic, would have been the topics to wake up the church, and they’re just not waking up. But God gives us the power of choice to make our decisions, put in to leadership who we want to put in, that’s right. And so none of that I hear from Christians all the time. God’s going to put in who he wants to put in. He’ll get us from A to B, but how we get there is our choice.

Elaine Beck 9:30
Well, you know, I always tell him, Well, that’s funny. Do you really think God wants the devil running the country? Because that’s what’s happening now. That’s right, that’s right. And so let’s think about this if, if, if God says He is over the nations, don’t you think what he’s saying is, My people are over the nations I want. I want my people to do the right things, and then I can be over the nations, right? There’s so. Many ways to look at that and and I can’t believe for one minute that God’s saying, Will you guys go golf and you go play, you go visit, and you go to work and make money and enjoy yourself, and you know, I’ll take care of the politicians. No way.

Natasha Owens 10:16
We are to work until he comes back, not sit on the couch and say, God, come quickly, we are to work Hosea three eight says it proves that we have the power of choice. God said, you have put kings in without my without my approval. You’ve put princes in without my approval. You’ve taken your silver and silver and gold and make an ID. You’ve made idols without my approval, and it will be to your destruction. And I think that speaks volumes in 2024 that he gives us the power of choice.

Elaine Beck 10:44
What was that scripture? Again,

Natasha Owens 10:45
I think it’s, it’s Hosea three eight.

Elaine Beck 10:48
So remember that people Hosea three eight when you’re thinking you don’t have nothing to do to help what’s happening in this country, go read Hosea three eight, because God is calling us as a nation, each individual person to do the right thing. That’s right. I think it’s amazing. And

Natasha Owens 11:10
you know, the church always says we’re supposed to love and they take that is that we’re just supposed to see the evil happening and sit back and play it neutral and sit on the sit on the bench, we are to push back against. Jesus always called out the sin, but he did it with such love, restoration and grace that the sinners gravitated to him right. Speaking truth is love, and I will speak truth Amen the rest of my life, trying to wake people up

Elaine Beck 11:36
me too, and I love that, and I think that more people need to think about these things, and more more people need to wake up and realize that, if you’re sitting around complaining about how bad the world is, you know, we all took part in it, right? And now we all can take part in making it better. That’s right. So do your part. I love it Well, honey, it’s Thank you. Pleasure has been great.

Natasha Owens 12:03
Thank you so much. You are so sweet.

Elaine Beck 12:05
And when do you hear her sing? You gotta get her album. Is there a way they can reach out to you? Yeah. So

Natasha Owens 12:11
Natasha Owens Is a platform for physical music. Anywhere you download or, you know, stream music, you can find me Natasha Owens I have six albums out. The seventh one’s coming out soon, so stay tuned.

Elaine Beck 12:28
I love it. Well, God bless you, honey. Thank you for coming, and thanks to all of you for being here for my show. As you know, I’m always praying for you, so see you back next time and God bless you.


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