Respect for The Last Supper (ft. Stephanie Lowe)

The Olympic Opening Ceremony was a disgrace.

It cut deep to my heart to see my Savior mocked so shamelessly. I wept real tears, because I know the GLORY and HONOR of Christ, even though those lost people see Him as a joke.

Yet even as we grieve this offense, we cannot be stagnant. He have to STAND UP! We have to take action!

Join us for this rousing episode as we discuss what we CHRISTIANS must do now and how we must work to remind the whole world that Christ is on the throne!



Elaine Beck 0:36
Hi everyone. I’m Elaine Beck, and this is my show. It’s not about us, because it’s not and today we’re going to talk about a very serious subject. But before we get into that, let’s understand that we are going to try and share with you God’s viewpoint on some things. And you know, if you know anything about the Bible, you know, I’m not real good at quote, quoting scripture that wasn’t a gift God gave me. Matter of fact that there was a time in my life that I thought, Gee, what happened to me? Does God not want me? I can’t memorize that easy. And then i i read more in the Bible and saw where we’re all given different gifts. So don’t ever think that because you can’t quote Scripture word for word, that God doesn’t love you because he does. He loves us all so much. And so today I have a wonderful friend with me, not a guest. This is my friend, Stephanie. Lowe. Say hello, Stephanie,

Stephanie Lowe 1:43
hello. Nice to be here.

Elaine Beck 1:46
And Stephanie and I work together at the studio. She’s amazing. This woman just can knock it out like that, and we just love her for it, and we feel so blessed that God walked her into our lives and but we’re going to talk about a subject today that is very timely. And that subject is we’re going to talk about the Olympics that are happening in Paris, France. I’m sure you already know where I’m going, but I asked Stephanie to join me in a conversation and share her heart, along with my heart, about what we saw or did not see. In my case, at the Olympics, I’ve only seen it as bits and pieces, which is all I could tolerate anyway. I’ll be honest with you on TV, and I heard about it from my wonderful pastor at church. Yes, my pastor got up yesterday morning on Sunday and spoke for a good 15 minutes on the evils of what happened at the Olympics, and questioned each of us in our church to ask ourselves, did we watch it? Did we turn it off? Did we approve of it or disapprove of it, because that is a huge question in this country right now, isn’t it? Stephanie,

Stephanie Lowe 3:25

Elaine Beck 3:27
I mean, it’s, it’s so sad that we’ve got people that actually, I mean, I couldn’t believe it when I read on the internet people saying that they thought that was great, that that it was time that we said that it’s okay to talk about these things, because is that what the Bible says? Stephanie,

Stephanie Lowe 3:48
I remember just the other day when I saw some highlights of it, and I was a little puzzled, going, what am I watching? What? What is this? And I could see it was just vile. But I didn’t that looks like it’s the last supper. But no, it can’t be that they that’s not what it is, right? And so I kind of thought, Well, I’m missing something here with whatever they’re trying to display, along with some other things of strutting around and all of that and going, this is uncalled for but let it go. And then as time went on, it was brought out that more and more people are just shocked. It’s not okay. Of all the sexual depravity that was on display there, and I was grieved more than anything. I was heavy hearted and thinking that, how are people okay with that there? If they’re if their heart doesn’t even see anything wrong with it?

Elaine Beck 4:58
Well, I’ll be honest with you. I. Cried, yeah, you know why I cried? Because they just defiled, and said that my Jesus that has saved me, that was sent by his father to this earth to save me and all of you, if you just choose him, that they defiled everything he stood for, everything he stood against was shown there, everything that it is in his word that says that that is wrong and that that is an abomination to the Lord, what they put on there, the evil was so Strong that I wept for my Lord and Savior, to think that there was anybody on this earth that could take a most passionate time and a most passionate story that we live out and practice in our churches, The Last Supper and have communion and honor of God and Jesus

Stephanie Lowe 6:27
and the price he paid Exactly,

Elaine Beck 6:31
exactly so that we could live for eternity in heaven and not hell. Yeah, they tried to present it in a very hell type manner. Yeah, they included children.

Stephanie Lowe 6:51
I know, the children exposed to and

Elaine Beck 6:54
and how many P how many families in this country have their children sitting with them to watch the beautiful, explicit, expensive, creative opening to a

Stephanie Lowe 7:13
worldwide event that looks forward to,

Elaine Beck 7:16
right, that everybody looks forward to. I thought it was bad enough when the people in the United States started having the the football, what’s it called? The last game, the Super Bowl, the Super Bowl where they started doing things on there that were unChristian, like and and vile. I thought that was bad enough, but when they’re doing this and and may have said on the news that there are over 2 billion true Christians true I mean, there’s a lot of people that say they’re Christians and don’t live it, but 2 billion true, living Christians on this earth that were made fun of, mocked, depraved, against their Lord and Savior and their father, God, the creator of this earth. What are we to say and do?

Stephanie Lowe 8:45
No, it’s okay to take a stand. You need to take a stand. There is a right and a wrong. Yeah.

Elaine Beck 8:59
I mean, Stephanie, I’ll go even one step further and say, Where is your courage? Yeah, where is your courage? Where is your stand for what God gave you the ability to live in eternity just by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that’s all you’ve got to do to live in eternity. Why would you defile that? Why would you why would you even want to be any part of that? And furthermore, where is your courage, men of God, where is your courage? When will it be enough that you say, Stop, I will take no more. My church and my pastor, all of us stood together. Yes, she physically stood at the end of the service. Us in agreement that would none of us do anything but boycott the entire procedure. We would boycott every company that backed it. Where is your courage? Are you willing to do that? You know you can watch on YouTube a month from now, a year from now, the actual proceedings of maybe that favorite person that you wanted to see, the outcome of what they did. You can watch that down the road, but every time you turn on that TV to those evil stations that agreed to this and keep it on. You are saying no to God. You are defiling him the same as they did, because you are spending money watching something that is not to be watched. It’s to be reviled against. I am serious as can be. I will not watch one second of it. I wouldn’t turn on any of those stations ever again, not just the Olympics, the CBS. And I can even think of the name the other one. I will get those for you, and we will post them on this show. Those stations will never be turned on in my home again.

Stephanie Lowe 11:30
A lot of the sponsors are pulling out. I’ve noticed that that some of the people that would do ads, and

Elaine Beck 11:36
the only one that I’ve seen so far was the art. Was it called? Our? You know, where you you rent a house, be R and B, Airbnb, Airbnb. Thank you. Yeah, I heard they backed out of what other ones are you?

Stephanie Lowe 11:53
I can’t think of any offhand, but we’re gonna put those up. And I’ve noticed that the the Olympics are making the statement that that wasn’t what they were depicting, that they were depicting a mythology, mythological reenactment of Zeus and all this stuff. I’m going even if that was true, it’s not okay to know like that. No, it’s not okay to have this.

Elaine Beck 12:20
Well, number one, please, somebody tell me where the opening ceremony for sports events has any way shape or form any connection with people that can’t even understand their own gender, or want to dress like and act like someone they’re not what they weren’t born as. Where does that have anything to do with the Olympiad? Yeah, the Olympic people that have I feel bad for them. I’m praying for them constantly, all of those young people, men and women, worked

Stephanie Lowe 13:04
all their life to this point and and

Elaine Beck 13:06
want to do their best at this. I wouldn’t be able to do it after that. I would not be able to stand and present the hard work I’ve done after they did that. Yeah, I don’t know how they’re doing it, and I feel so sorry for him. I think they should boycott it. I think they should walk away.

Stephanie Lowe 13:28
Then there’s the other, other aspect that my heart was kind of touched on, and what my response, I feel like, needed to be, is, you know, Yes, Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do. They’re just behaving like their father, the devil, right? That that’s their nature. My father likes on very well put. And so they’re just doing that. But it’s people say, Well, why isn’t God going to do something and sing it, because he is so merciful, He is so long suffering that none should perish and give us all a chance to repent.

Elaine Beck 14:07
As pastor said yesterday, it rains on

Stephanie Lowe 14:09
the just and the unjust, that’s right,

Elaine Beck 14:12
yeah, and, and this is so true. You know, God wants to give them an opportunity to change.

Stephanie Lowe 14:19
Loves them so much

Elaine Beck 14:20
he does, and yet many of them will never see it. Sadly, they will never see it. They’ve made their choice, but that is not fair in any way, shape or form for them to put that on national, not national, internationally TV around the world, it’s unacceptable to show that in front of children and families to you know, I don’t care what they do in their own homes, you want to go home and you want to live in sin, whether it’s. Yes, as my pastor put it, that you want to overeat if you want to, you don’t watch porn out in the square, but people look at porn, which is a sin if you live with somebody and you’re not married to them, according to the Bible, that’s living in sin. There’s no sin that is supposed to be more egregious than another. When it comes to God’s view, he told you right from wrong, but at the same time, there’s things that he says in the Bible that are an abomination to Him, that’s right, and

and that is not condoned. So why would you think not condoned,

Why would you think that all the people of the world should watch something that’s not condoned, that’s not acceptable in the eyes of God, that is not that is is an abomination. Why would you teach your children or let them see it? Why would you let them be part of it? This is the thing that we as Christians are saying, Yeah, you go in your home, you live the way you want. You dress in whatever kind of clothes you want, you enact out what you want, you pretend what you want, you you do whatever you want. But when it’s in the public square, I don’t want it in my schools, for my children. I don’t want it in the public square. I don’t want it in politics. I don’t want it anywhere that I have to look at it. I don’t make you look at my way of life. You don’t make me look at your way of life. There are subjects that we can agree to disagree on, but I don’t shove it in your face. Yeah, when I as a Christian, live the way I do. I don’t come out and tell you, you must see this every day. You must have it involved in everything, right?

Stephanie Lowe 17:08
If that’s or you’re a bigot, or you’re being called,

Elaine Beck 17:12
yeah, we should see homosexuals on every TV show and every Ow. Where is the cross and Jesus in every show and TV and ad. Where is the Christian thinking and the Bible in everything? Where is it? They tell us we can’t do that, but we have to listen to their way of life, and we’re supposed to accept what is unacceptable when they won’t even accept the truth, right? Which is the word of God? Right? No, no, not going to happen. No,

Stephanie Lowe 17:49
no. We are in the world, but we’re not of it, so we’re not shouldn’t be really surprised of this, but, and that’s why we have to continue to remember to pray for our enemies and Lord, it doesn’t mean you’re condoning anything at all, never at all, but it keeps our hearts in check so we It’s hard enough. It’s hard enough being in this world, but it helps. It’s a we can hear from the Spirit of the Lord better. We can walk in the truth, because deception is rampant,

Elaine Beck 18:28
but we don’t have to accept it. Nope, and, and, and we can stand against it absolutely, just like at the end of our service, Jesu and pastor said, if you’re going to stand against this, stand now, and we all stood up, yeah, because, you know, there was a time when, when I was young, that most everybody went to church. Most everybody understood the Bible was the word of the creator sent to us through His Son. It was truth. It was the Way, the Truth and the Life, the standard to live by. It was and and yet they’ve shoved it aside, and now they’re mutilating it. They are totally trying to make us turn from it. It’ll never happen. No, it will never happen. God will always be in control. We know the end of the story, and so do you, if you were to think about it, if you’d ever allow yourself to stop and think that there is a God in heaven, and it’s the only reason that you’re alive today, and there’s a son that was sent to die on a cross so that you could not have to pay for your sins, but instead have eternal life in a place called heaven, where it will be no more tears, no more sorrow, only joy and love in its purest form, why would anybody reject that? Did you have that choice? And you need to think about that. You know, I want to thank you for joining me on this show today. Stephanie,

Stephanie Lowe 20:17
thank you for speaking up. It’s an important, timely word that we need to hear and encourage other believers that it’s okay to speak up. It’s time,

Elaine Beck 20:27
yeah, it is time. We cannot sit by any longer. We’ve been too accepting. We are sinful in that we have been so sinful we step stood by when prayer was taken out of school, we stood by when the flag has been burnt. This last weekend, we stood by Well, the Jewish families in this country are being abused and mistreated and and and again defiled in their belief. It is a sad day, but you know what put a smile on your face? Jesus and God are stronger than any of it, and they love you, and they’ll love you, no matter what that you can make that choice today, and I suggest you do that, because if you watch that, if you enjoyed it, you need to ask yourself, What is wrong with me? Because God didn’t create any mistakes, but he did give you a choice. Make the right one, whether it’s today or whenever you make that right choice, because there’s no promise of tomorrow. God bless you all. And as you know, go to we are not To pray for your enemies, and also know that we always pray for you. I will continue to pray fervently for your salvation and for your safety, and that God loves you and takes care of you and answers your prayers. Amen. Thank you for being here.


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