This Is What Love Looks Like (ft. Kari Lake)

My friend Kari Lake has been in the news quite a bit lately because she showed the world that she cannot be bought. If you love God and love your neighbors, like Kari does, then you cannot even begin to consider selling them out for bribes. Kari is sacrificing so much worldly gain to do […]

They Hate Us Because They Hated Christ First (ft. Kevin Crye)

Jesus promised that when we follow Him, we WILL be persecuted. Kevin Crye has learned that better than most – after a life time of service to his community, the corrupt leftist machine of California is set on destroying him and throwing him out of his rightfully elected office. And for what crime? Basically because […]

This Is Good VS Evil (ft. Oli London)

In this war for our future, the battle lines are becoming clear. There is a side spreading lies, and there is a side preaching the truth. There is a side mutilating children, and there is a side who want the children saved. There is a side that cheers at the murder and rape of Israelis, […]

The RNC Is Failing Gen Z (ft. Joe Mitchell)

Gen Z, God wants you doing His work! You are vital to America, you are important to this movement, and you are loved by God (and by me!). But if you are a young person who is feeling like your talents are being pushed to the backburner, this may be the episode for you. Joe […]

Hamas Is Crossing Our Border (ft. Michael Meshire & Kathleen Winn)

It’s no secret – our southern border is a nation-wide disaster. Even as our brothers and sisters in Israel fight for their freedom and safety against terrorists, our own threat level is rising. Fighting age men carrying guns and grenades, speaking Arabic and Chinese, are flooding into places like my hometown of Tucson every day. […]

No More Liars in Congress (ft. Kathleen Winn)

Kathleen Winn may be the most honest woman I know. So, when she says Arizona needs a better representative in District 6, I believe her! But that is not the only problem she has her eye on fixing – The Swamp is next! In this wonderful episode, Kathleen and I talk about what inspired her […]

Assaulted for Loving Trump (ft. Michael Meshire & Kathleen Winn)

What started as a compliment and a display of neighborly affection for Michael Meshire quickly turned into a fight for his life! By God’s grace, he is here to share the story with us. Almost as shocking is where it happened – in the nicest part of town! Join us for this incredible story as […]

Hard Truths on The Border Crisis (ft. Michael Meshire)

A warning about this interview: We discuss some painful stories from Michael’s time serving in the Border Patrol in Arizona. He and his fellow servicemen are true American heroes, but even they are not invincible. The pain they witness, and experience, is currently being ignored by far too many of our nation’s leaders, and so […]

We Need to Become Fearless (ft. Brad Bedford)

The Family Research Council knows what it means to be fearless. They are tirelessly doing the work of God’s kingdom here in America, and I had the pleasure of being joined by Brad Bedford. He is one of many members of the FRC that is daily fighting for faith, family, and freedom. Do you want […]