The Next Generation Is Going for Gold (ft. Justus Smith)

We are still talking about the disgraceful display at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, and today I am joined by Justus Smith, a young man who SERIOUSLY knows his stuff! He offers a realistic perspective on WHY these evil LGBTQ productions keep popping up in media AND we talk about the hope we can […]

Respect for The Last Supper (ft. Stephanie Lowe)

The Olympic Opening Ceremony was a disgrace. It cut deep to my heart to see my Savior mocked so shamelessly. I wept real tears, because I know the GLORY and HONOR of Christ, even though those lost people see Him as a joke. Yet even as we grieve this offense, we cannot be stagnant. He […]

A Christian’s Heart for Election Integrity (ft. Hogan Gidley)

The God of heaven loves justice and so should His people. Hogan Gidley has been doing incredible work to keep the 2024 Presidential election secure, and he joined our show to share how every conservative, and especially every Christian, can get involved.

From Generation to Generation (ft. Pastor Daniel Ligon)

In the 1700s, a Moravian missionary named Nikolaus von Zinzendorf uttered an infamous instruction: “Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten.” WOW! Hard words! But they remind us of part of our goal is Christians, which is to keep the light of Jesus burning from generation to generation without getting too focused on ourselves. If […]

It’s An Honor to be A Trump (ft. Lara Trump)

Join us in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin as I sit down with the beautiful and gracious Lara Trump, current co-chair of the RNC. This lady has not let her humble beginnings define her, and through faithfulness and hard work is now helping guide the fate of America. She shares with us the story of first meeting […]

Walk Away from The Lies (ft. Brandon Straka)

The Democrats have CHANGED so much since they were once the party of the people. They went from protecting the poor and downtrodden to mutilating children and jailing their political rivals. I’ve watched it happen in my own lifetime! Now people are wising up to the drift towards wickedness, and they are WALKING AWAY! And […]

Vote for Virtues & Family Values (ft. Cathi Herrod) PART III

Welcome to the third and final part of this TERRIFIC conversation with Cathi Herrod! We got to the core of what politics is all about: THE FAMILY. Parents work, buy, and thrive for the sake of the eternal institution they are creating in their children, and so ultimately all of politics comes back to the […]

Vote With Joy! (ft. Cathi Herrod) PART II

The opportunity to have a say in who leads us, from the Oval Office all the way down to the school board, is definitionally what makes America such a unique and free nation. God placed you here, in this country at this time, to participate in shaping the world around you. So vote, and vote […]

It Goes Too Far! (ft. Cathi Herrod) PART I

Arizona is on the FRONT LINES as a radical new abortion scheme sweeps across America! Cathi Herrod joins us to expose the Abortion Lobby’s tricks and explain how barbaric this new amendment would be, for both mother and child.

El Salvador’s Lesson to America (ft. Jeff Cardwell) – PART II

What has been done in El Salvador is a MIRACLE! It was the Murder Capitol of the World in 2015, and by 2023 it was the safest country in the hemisphere. Safer than the US! A miracle like that can only come from God, and God is looking for righteous and repentant leaders. President Bukele […]