It Goes Too Far! (ft. Cathi Herrod) PART I

Arizona is on the FRONT LINES as a radical new abortion scheme sweeps across America!

Cathi Herrod joins us to expose the Abortion Lobby’s tricks and explain how barbaric this new amendment would be, for both mother and child.



Elaine Beck 0:00
Elaine, Hi everyone. I’m Elaine Beck, and this is my show, as you know, called it’s not about us, because it’s not invariably, we all understand after being on this earth for a while, we quickly learn that God is our Creator, and that we have a wonderful Savior, and that we’re here to serve them always. And so some of us learn later in life. I was a late bloomer, but that’s okay. We’re all sinners, and we all see all the things going on in the world. And right now we’ve got some really major things going on, and I’m opening this way today because we’re going to talk about a very serious subject, and that is abortion, family, the life in America and how all of it has gotten so turned upside down. And we’re going to talk to a wonderful lady, her name is Cathi, and say your last name, honey.

Cathi Harrod 1:12

Elaine Beck 1:13
Harrod, okay, and Cathi’s been doing this kind of stuff for years, and we just met. So I’m very excited, me too. So it’s so nice to meet you, Cathi, it really is. And and you’re right. We always often stop and think, How do I not know this person when I’ve been at this for five years and you’ve been at what you’ve been doing for many years, tell everybody a little bit about your background.

Cathi Harrod 1:41
Well, my background is, where do I start? But I’ve been at Center for Arizona Policy, really working in Arizona to pass good legislation, defeat bad bills, advocate for the family on the issues of life, marriage and family, parental rights, educational freedom, religious freedom, really speaking out in the air at the Arizona capitol, educating voters on issues and working on that for a long time, right? With Concerned Women for America before that, but grew up at a time, you know, came to faith, at a time where, when I thought, well, Christians don’t engage in political activity, but God changed all of that. So after being a wife and mother. Have you know, come came to see this as my calling, and really what God made me to do after being a wife and mother.

Elaine Beck 2:28
I love that. And you know, it’s so special. I shared this with her before the show. But it’s so special to meet people that, you know, they’ve got the armor of God on. They know him, they love him. But they don’t stop there. They don’t just go to church on Sunday. They don’t just, you know, talk about the weather with their neighbors and friends and stuff. They have a heart for God and what God’s values, what the Bible says, And so literally, you’re working to serve God and this country in a way that we wish everybody would

Cathi Harrod 3:08
well, I feel the proverb that I hang my hat on, so to speak, is that the horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord. So I believe that we’re all made ready for the day of battle. We’re all called to do something. It may be different things, but the results are in God’s hands. So we’re all called to pray. We’re all called to vote to make our voice heard. But some are going to run for office, some are going to be the ones going door to door canvassing. There are different roles for each one of us to play, but we all have a duty. We all have a calling to somehow engage in fighting for what’s right in our country.

Elaine Beck 3:44
my goodness, I just, you know, all of you out there, my audience, please hear this woman. You know, we’ve spoke about this so many times on the show that there is nobody that doesn’t have a way to play that part that God has laid out for you, what he’s given on your heart. I mean, I don’t care if you’re housebound. You can make phone calls

Cathi Harrod 4:12
well. And the other to look in the book, book of Judges, in the story of Deborah and Jael. And Deborah rose up and led the troops into battle. And Jael was, in a sense, the tent maker. I mean, she was in the tent, right? And she slayed the enemy, you know? And so that’s where I look at those two women as the different roles that we can play. Oh, amen. So we each have a role to play, and how exciting it is, and especially in this most critical of years, where in our state of Arizona, we have so many issues pressing on what kind of state we’re going to be, and really whether, a year from now, in Arizona, are we going to be the next California? Oh, and that’s really, that’s really what we’re facing in our state, right?

Elaine Beck 4:52
And, you know, the thing is, is the lady on the Bible that I like to feel that we should be more like, is Esther who. Yes. I mean, Esther saved

Cathi Harrod 5:02
all the Jewish people for such a time as this. Yes,

Elaine Beck 5:05
and, and if she by her own, and you know, could do that, then why do we think that we don’t have the capability? And that was before our Lord and Savior ever came to this earth and ever pronounced as he was when he was right before He ascended into heaven, he made it specifically known that he was leaving behind the Holy Spirit, so that we would have the power that he had. Now think about that, the power of Jesus, when you become one of his children, when you give your life to Him, in you, you have that power. And he said, and even more, he says that in his word, even more, because I won’t be with you. So he’s given us all these powers. You know, if I didn’t have that power, I couldn’t do the things that I’m doing you’re doing. Okay? So I pray for each of the people out there listening today as they hear the subjects that we’re going to touch on, that they will remember that they have the power to stand up for God in the way God has called them to do, just like you and I, right. Amen. So now tell us really you know the major issue that in on your heart that you want the people to hear about today.

Cathi Harrod 6:44
in Arizona, we face something that will be on the November 5 ballot called the Arizona for abortion access amendment. This is a state constitutional amendment that would grant every individual, by every individual, that means, any age, a fundamental right to abortion in our state constitution. So once it’s in our state constitution, it really can’t be changed by another except by another vote of the people. So what that means is that any individual, 14 year old, anyone, can get an abortion, and it says that government cannot deny, restrict or interfere with that right to an abortion. So it basically would overturn all of our common sense safeguards, what we have in the law now that a minor has the parent has to consent to the abortion, or the 14 year old girl has to have her a court order, a doctor has to perform or provide the abortion, today that would be gone. It would be

Elaine Beck 7:41
the parents would have no say over it.

Cathi Harrod 7:42
Would have no say over it.

Elaine Beck 7:43
Well, see, this is what they want to do. They want to take the control of parents away. Parents. I mean, how do you put this that, you know, God gave us the children so that we could raise them in the way that they should go? Yes, right? Yes. So how can we do that when, when the government steps in and interferes and says, no, they have the right to do anything they want. I mean, look at and you’re right about the California thing. And in California, they’re now saying that, you know, a minor can, you can have sex with a minor and not be punished for it. That’s okay. Well, what they’re trying to do?

Cathi Harrod 8:24
the amendment language also would protect the sex abuser, because it says that government cannot punish anyone who aids or assists, and it says pregnant individual and getting the abortion. So this means the sex abuser who takes his 14 year old victim to get an abortion, to the abortionist you to cover up his crime. Basically, you can’t punish him for or really report him. And so it says that, um, you know, you’ll hear the other side say, Well, this only allows abortion to put until viability. And of course, viability, the time, is the time at which a baby can survive outside the mother’s womb, but it says that the treating healthcare professional is who decides viability, and an exception to viability is the mental health of the mother. Now we know through many court decisions that mental health of the mother means anything or nothing. It can it basically is anything, and so you’ve got a treating healthcare professional in Arizona law can mean anything. It can mean a massage therapist, a chiropractor, a podiatrist. What it doesn’t mean is a doctor. Nowhere in this language of this amendment, do you find the word doctor? So you’ve got a medical assistant, anyone who’s going to say, Oh, the mental health of the mother allows the abortion past the point of viability and really up until birth. So the amendment would allow painful late term abortions, takes the doctor out of the process, takes the mom and dad out of the process, and basically takes any of the common sense safeguards. You know, it’s unbelievable.

Elaine Beck 9:53
Interject something here for a second. I apologize, no, but I want people to understand this. Show. Show airs on CPAC now. It’s all over the internet. It’s on it’s going to be on all those places. And we talk about things that are nationwide. And I want people to understand that this show is very vital, not just to the people of Arizona. It’s vital to people across this country. Because if you think that Arizona is the only state that is trying to do this right now, you know, we have people on the left in every state that are trying to do everything they can to take our children under control, whether it’s about abortions or their genders or anything, and they are doing their best. I suggest that all of you listen closely to this and then check into your state and see what amendments are out there, or who’s working on, what policy to change things within your state having to do with family, children, abortion rights of parents, all of those things you need to know that Right, right?

Cathi Harrod 11:20
And we’re there are probably about seven states that will likely have an abortion amendment on the ballot, Florida, maybe South Dakota, maybe Missouri. So there are other states that are contemplating that in the in two years or a year, maybe Virginia. And why Arizona matters for the rest of the country is the the pro life side has lost in about eight states so far, but we’re the first state to have it on the ballot, most likely in a presidential year, in a in a targeted swing state. We believe we know we can defeat this, and so we need to, you know, the momentum has all been on the pro abortion side. So we need to show that the pro life side can defeat one of these because they overreach. Our campaign title is It Goes Too Far. And it goes too far because in Arizona, the law today is no a 15 week limit, no abortions after 15 weeks, unless to save the life of the mother or medical emergency. So we need to show that the abortion industry, they have gone too far. Americans do not support abortion past 15 weeks. And we need to show that they they can’t win all of these amendments in every state. And so it’s really important for the rest of the nation, really, to show that they can be stopped. And so all eyes are on Arizona. We know this election year, the presidential election certainly is very important for Arizona, in Arizona. And so we need to show that, yes, they can be stopped. The left can be stopped. Okay,

Elaine Beck 12:42
so we’re going to quickly talk about how they’ve written this because, you know, I’ve been in voting booths, and many times they will take something and yes means NO and NO means yes. And so I want the people to understand, to be very careful and to have a clear picture of how this is written, because I’m sure you already know how it is. So do we vote no or yes, and what amend or what? What do they call it?

Cathi Harrod 13:17
They call it the abortion access amendment. Arizonans for abortion access. And note, access is a very carefully chosen word to scare people that they will not have access to abortion. The vote is no vote no on abortion access, right? Got that? Yeah, the no vote is what keeps abortion available up to 15 weeks, where most Arizonans are, keeps our current laws that protect both mother and child.

Elaine Beck 13:44
Yeah, so I get it, you know, when you say access now, all of a sudden, people that you know may think that you know, well, what if this happened to my daughter or what? How would I, you know? What if? What if she was too young and stuff and and there’s no access anymore, you know, and, and some people see this differently, you know, Lord, we are very sorry, but they do, and so they’re okay with it. And so if they are, you know, then access, then you think, Well, I would never have access. Or anybody would what if they were, you know, a child that is handicapped or something and they find themselves in that condition, you know, what would we do? So it is. It’s a scare tactic to use the word access. So what you’re saying is boldly, it will stay no matter whether you vote no or not, and you want to vote no, because this is a taken all your rights away, all of them, so you want to say no, but at the same time, remember, that doesn’t mean that the laws that are in place now will change. It does not mean that right

Cathi Harrod 14:59
you vote. No and it keeps abortion legal. Up to 15 weeks, you vote no and it keeps abortion legal. It keeps parents involved in the decision of their minor daughter. You vote, no. It stops painful late term abortion. You vote, no. It keeps partial birth abortion not being legal in our state. You vote, no. It keeps a doctor being involved in the process, right? And the other scare tactic that they use frequently is, well, you have a miscarriage, you’re not gonna be able to get care. That is the worst lie that they say, that you vote no any woman who has a miscarriage is going to get care.

Elaine Beck 15:33
Okay? So we’ve run out of time, but this is what we’re gonna do. Do you have a website or something they can go to to learn more about this, to feel comfortable in that they understood it and and if they have any questions, how do they reach out and get more information?

Cathi Harrod 15:53
Read the amendment, go to it goes too Read the Read the amendment, get the language. It goes too It

Elaine Beck 16:01
goes too far. Calm. I love that. Kathy, it’s been a pleasure having you here. We’re going to do some other shows on some other issues and but this was the big one today, and we’ll keep repeating this one until the voting is done. Thank you.

Cathi Harrod 16:18
Thank you very much.

Elaine Beck 16:19
I think that this is very important. You are just such a gift to all the people out there that people like you are fighting the good fight to keep the rights of the parents and the children and all of us, those babies give them a right to live. So God bless you. Thank all of you for being here. You know to go to Elaine to see all my shows, and you know that we pray for you all the time. Pray for us. God bless you.

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