America In God’s Hands – Election Special

Alarming news! This is the most important election possibly in the history of our nation and the Democrats are building a carefully crafted, scripted candidacy around Kamala Harris. They cannot be allowed to get away with it.

I am joined by my dear friends from CPAC, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, who share with us two things: the dire implications of losing this election and the hope we have in God. Are you ready to be a part of the last chance America has?

Then be brave because GOD IS WITH YOU!

Join Matt, Mercedes, and I for our new series as we dive into discussing the fragile future of our beloved country.



Elaine Beck 0:11
Elaine, Hi everyone. I’m Elaine Beck, and this is my show. It’s not about us, and we are so excited as always today, because my favorites are with me, the people that you know. When we met up a few years ago, God said you guys are going to work together. And it has been a blast. It’s been a pleasure. It’s been a blessing in every way, to know Matt and Mercedes slopp And now to work with them the way that we do, in conjunction with all God’s things, we are here, all three of us, as devoted Christians, to speak to you about the most important subject in the land today, and that is what is going to happen with the presidential race for this country this year. Are we going to stand together as Christians? Are we going to stand together as people who love God and love our country, as patriots devoted to our country, or are we going to sit in the background and watch it crumble? Because that’s exactly what will happen if we don’t stand Matt and Mercedes, welcome to the show.

Matt Schlapp 1:17
Great to be with you again. Elaine, yes,

Mercedes Schlapp 1:19
it’s great to be with you.

Elaine Beck 1:21
Oh, well, I’m so excited. I watch you all the time on your show on Newsmax, and I just love it you. I love it this week. Mercy that you are sitting in for your vacationing boss,

Mercedes Schlapp 1:40
he has a better deal than I do right now. Elaine, that’s okay,

Elaine Beck 1:44
but yeah, you know, you’re just, you’re just phenomenal, and it was cute watching the two of you together again last night. So let’s get on with the show. You know, I you just shared with me, and I want you to share with the audience. Yes, the new

Mercedes Schlapp 1:59
polls, yes. This just came out. It’s a Rasmussen polls. Obviously, there’s a whole series of polls out there, but this one said pretty much. Kamala is plus five. That means that she’s at 47% Donald Trump at 42% and then Robert F Kennedy Jr at 6% this to me, and I want to match more of the poll expert than I am. But this is alarming. This is alarming definitely. Will this be a temporary bounce for Harris, as she’s been coronated as the New Democrat nominee, or is this is a this is, as we were talking earlier, a wake up call to those who want Donald Trump to win, but we have to double down on our efforts to make sure that Kamala Harris does not become the next president united states.

Elaine Beck 2:48
Oh, my goodness, can you only even imagine? You know we all need to stand together and be strong in this. Matt, what’s your thoughts? How do you think this is all going to come down as far as, why are people looking at her, this person that can’t even finish a sentence straight and has this, what they call a word salad, you know, going on in her life. How is she ever going to take over a country when she doesn’t understand or know anything and is denying everything she was given. Well,

Matt Schlapp 3:27
this, this is all understandable, because it was pre planned, right? Like they knew they were looking at all the polls and they realized there was no way Joe Biden was going to get there, and he actually couldn’t execute. So then there was this conversations, we’ve got to get rid of Joe Biden. We can, we can throw it on his mental state and blame that for the reason. But we got to find someone. And you know, Barack Obama and the heavyweights behind who were in the tofu filled room decided it was going to be Kamala. And we all know that Kamala has not done a very good job articulating anything as vice president, and she’s very radical, so they want to turn this whole thing into history. I’m black, I’m a woman. This is going to be amazing. We’re busting that glass ceiling that Hillary wasn’t able to bust. And what I think is important for us to do is to make it about these radical policies and and I think we take it to her hard on all of the failures and everything else and all of her dissembling. I don’t think, I don’t think we should be kind of like careful and soft pedal the difference. I think we ought to take it to her heart. I think this election, as much as Donald Trump is a massive historical personality, this election really is about America. Is this the America that we want to see the America of her founding, the America of the Constitution, the America of all these great stories, of all these individual Americans who have the ability to live their amazing, unique American lives. And part of that is the importance of faith in our culture. And they’re at war with all of that. And Kamala Harris. Is the top general in war on all of that, it starts with that open border. And if we, if we really prosecute the case on these policies, I do think the race will flip again.

Elaine Beck 5:10
Well, I, I totally agree with everything you said. I really feel like, you know, with Kamala, they have tried to, they and apparently succeeded by those numbers, to make her go from this dim witted person who couldn’t, you know, accomplish anything, and they’ve even helped her, you know, lie about she was never the czar over the border, and all the, all things that were absolutely opposite. Now all of a sudden, she’s going to fix this. She’s going to do that. She’s trying to sound like Donald Trump on some of these things, yeah, thinking that. Now, if I just put on the happy face and and I say that I’m black, and I say that I’m I’m going to fix all of these things, everybody’s going to buy in. And according those numbers, they are people we must wake up. We must We must defend Donald in the facts. And the facts are, he was a much better president. You lived better. Pricing was better. We had all of our own fuels. We were able to control the world by showing that we were not weak, and we are so weak looking right now, if we don’t win this election, I believe that there will be a world war three within six months. Well,

Mercedes Schlapp 6:33
that’s right. And I mean, I just want to say, look what the media, leftist media, wants us to do, what the Democrats want us to do. They want us to go down this rabbit hole on race. They want us to talk about whether Kamala is black or Indian or whatever she is. That’s what they want us to talk about every day we are talking about race. We are losing this election. Yes, we need to be focusing on the policies that is critical. We have to understand that Hollywood is scripting her candidacy. Okay? They’re involved in producing the Democrat National Convention, which is coming up in just two weeks, and let me tell you, she will get an additional bump because of that, she has been so scripted she hasn’t even sat down for any media interviews. It’s been very much a controlled environment for Kamala Harris, and they’re hoping this could last for the next four months. So this is what we’re up against. Were up against a leftist propaganda machine, a Hollywood scripted candidacy, and trying to make her seem like she is this kind of really positive, fresh, historic figure for America. And when you have to do is we gotta peel off the layers. Go back to the fact that right now, Americans are hurting. Americans can’t pay for their bills. The children are being indoctrinated. They’re going after our faith. It’s a fight between good and evil. We see more wars today than we did four years ago, and we’re seeing more crime in our cities. We’re seeing our community suffer because of what’s happened with the open border policies, which the vast majority of Americans don’t agree with. That has to be where we need to focus on, plus making sure that you go out there, that not only are you registered to vote, but you go out, get involved in the campaign and vote even before election day. Well,

Elaine Beck 8:21
you know what you just said there at the end? One of my things is, you know, people, you got to get bold courage. Courage, you know? I mean, I know that you don’t want to fight with your friends and you don’t want to upset your family, you don’t want to do this, and you don’t want to do that. You don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. Get over it. Okay, get over it. Go to your clubs, go to your organization, go to work, go wherever you are, wherever you stand around, and talk, talk about the good things that are happening. Because Trump is running again, because you have hope again. Start it with just something simple, like that, man, I just know in four months, the hope that I’ve had for four years that something better would come along is going to be here. I can’t wait to vote for Donald Trump again, and if you get some snide looks and stuff, you know, you’ve at least planted the seed. You spoke your mind. You know, go out and knock on doors. You don’t have to be somebody who signed up to knock on doors. Go knock on doors in your neighborhood, talk to people in the grocery store, wherever you are, you have to be, you have to be the righteous Christian that is not afraid to speak out about your beliefs. It is so important right now you can’t just listen to us say what’s happening and then say, well, that’s good. I’m gonna try harder, and then don’t do anything. It’s sort of like people going to church and the pastor says, you know, you’re really the hands and feet for Christ. Go out. It’s not just me. You must do it. And then people. Will go home and say nothing all week. We can’t do that. People, we are losing this country. Matt, can you give people some encouragement? How do you see we can you’re asking,

Mercedes Schlapp 10:12
Matt, he’s like the most realistic out of all of us. Well, first,

Matt Schlapp 10:16
I have great hope in God’s blessing on America. I think one of the things God’s asking us to do is to ask him to bless us. You know, he blessed our founding. We put it in our halls and our public buildings, on our coinage. You know, we understood that God was at the center of having a society that had respect right and could be a place where people could come from multiple countries and figure out a way to have a system, and that’s why America is so wonderful and so unique and somewhere along the line, and I’ll blame myself for this too, too many of us were kind of like horn swaggled into this idea that, you know Well, our faith is a private matter we should speak about in our homes, but it shouldn’t be a part of a public dialog. And we backed off. We backed off the schools. We were told, well, the Schools shouldn’t be non sectarian. And, you know, let the professionals run the schools, the people with all the letters after their name, because they’ll make all these decisions. And what you realize every time you take God out of something, that vacuum is filled with something, what they have filled it in darkness really is, is really dark, satanic, nasty stuff and and so I think as Christians, even those of us who believe that America should be a pluralistic society where people have the ability to make decisions on faith, and those Are decisions between them and God, even knowing that there is something beautiful about a country acknowledging the importance of God in their founding, in their society. If we don’t have God blessing America, we’re going to have what we’ve had for the last 25 years, which is increased hatred, racial animosity, broken cities, huge drug abuse and alcoholism and just dysfunction. And what I’d like to do is see us reverse those trends. I think we can do it. I believe that Donald Trump is only the first piece of that. Donald Trump gets, the second term you we should have had, and then then we’ve got a lot of really serious decisions to make as a country to how do we get a decade or two decades of more functional behavior

Elaine Beck 12:25
right? Oh so true. You know, you made me when you started out, even you made me realize that, you know, we have to mention Wayne, we are not This is a time that God is calling us to pray for our enemies, not to say we’re in agreement with them, never just the opposite, but to pray that God will reveal to them the truth, that God will show us a way to reach them, irregardless of the fake media, we have to find a way. Only God knows that way. We have to rely on him. But he’s telling us that if we don’t turn from our wicked ways, and we don’t stop hating the people that disagree with us and instead pray for them, and remember that the second commandment that’s most important is Love your neighbor as yourself, irregardless of who they are. You know, just like the Good Samaritan, the story of the Good Samaritan, we have to remember that praying for our enemies to have the reveal to them the truth and not make them see only the fake news is really vital right now. So thank you for bringing that up. Matt, that is so important, Mercy. What’s your final thoughts today. Well,

Mercedes Schlapp 13:42
Elaine, I gotta tell you, the word that keeps coming up, and we talk about this all the time, is community, and that’s what I love about CPAC. We have built an incredible community, not only nationally, but internationally. And you’ve been international trips as well. And we are all are sharing the same message, and it’s the message of freedom, of faith, a family, and it’s a message of ensuring that these socialists and these communists, these Marxists, don’t take control of our systems and our institutions. And we’ve seen this happen time and time again in so many countries, and it’s why, and we always say this election is so critical, but this election is so critical, but we also have to remember that it’s not just putting, you know, it’s not putting hope in politicians. It’s putting hope in Jesus, Christ and God, and then knowing that giving us the wisdom to make sure that we are able to support and get the good, you know, the good, righteous politicians into into these positions of leadership. Because we need that right now. I mean, we are in a dire situation here in America. There is a ceremonial President right now under Joe Biden, and then you’ve got Kamala Harris, who I think is an empty suit. I think she has no moral compass whatsoever. She’s just focused on her ambition. And I think she really does embrace the. Worst of the progressive policies in America, absolutely and and it’s why, like Christians, we have to wake up. This is our moment in time right now, watching these numbers, we should be coming at this as we’re the underdogs, and we gotta work twice as hard as as we as we can, and reach out into those communities that I think really can be, remember, that can make a difference. I mean, this election will be based in off the margins here. Arizona is going to be one of these critical states. We’re here in Virginia. We’re doing a lot of work right now with Hispanic pastors to bring in the Hispanic community through CPAC Unidos. We’re going to keep doing this in critical states, because we’ve got to win these battleground states, and it’s going to take, it’s going to be a 24/7 effort right now.

Elaine Beck 15:46
Yes, it has to. You know, you guys, our relationship, our friendship, our working relationship as well, are so important to me. But you know, working with you and doing shows, I just feel like God, the three of us, he feels and knows that there’s power in this group, and we want to share that with a whole audience. We want them to feel that same strength of hope and that strength of abilities that they have, that they can do something to know that you are not just one person, you are not alone, that we are not alone. And when you said that, you know, talked about this being a critical race. It’s more than a critical race. In my mind, in my mind, this is our final chance to defeat the evil that’s permeated this country when you think that there’s only a small percentage, somewhere between two and 7% of the people in this country who are LGBTQ and all of these other You know, like diversity type people, and yet they are out there in our face every day. So why we need to be in everybody’s face every day, with our Bible, with our cross, with our love of Christ, with our knowledge and wisdom from God’s Word. We need to be doing that and letting them know that God will save this country if you, as his children, stand up and do all the things that you talked about mercy and all the things that you talked about, Matt, and that’s what God wants us to get across today, that his love is sufficient, His Word is the wisdom and knowledge you need. His power you own. If you are a child of God, you he says, are as capable of doing what he did when he was on earth, like saving people and healing people and and and changing the ways of the world and bringing the light to all we have that power know it and use it right.

Matt Schlapp 18:07
Amen. And I think that I heard yesterday on Meg and Kelly show something, it’s great that might be great to end the conversation with. But there was so a guest that was on, I apologize. I don’t know who it was, but he said, the the only diversity the left cares about in America is what you look like. They all say the same things, sexual politics, it’s gender politics, it’s race politics, it’s economic Marxism. They’re all saying the same thing. America’s racist, America’s bigoted, America’s terrible. The Western democracies are terrible. The patriarchy is terrible, but there’s no diversity in thought. What’s great about the American understanding what we now call the conservative movement, which is the pro America movement. It was about 1000 flowers blooming. A lot of ideas people had their own unique approach, and that our laws would protect that. But the one thing they didn’t care about. We really didn’t want to focus on was what you looked like, how tall you were, what gender you were. It was your ideas that mattered in America, and so we are just the polar opposite of what these hateful people that are generating all this hate are if we don’t win this election. Elaine, what ends up happening is that this terrible Marxist idea, that it’s all about what you look like and not about what you say and not about your own first amendment rights to speak, that will dominate the Constitution, will recede and it’s going to be over,

Elaine Beck 19:35
right? And that’s I you couldn’t put it better. And whoever that person was thank you for sharing that with us. They’re brilliant, and I love the fact that we’ve had this time together, and we’re going to do this every couple weeks, people, the three of us are going to hit this hard. We’re going to be talking to you about God and your part and what you can do, and we’re going to try and update you on the numbers. Yes and how things are going and and that we’re not here. You know, you notice that we didn’t sit and slam people and slander that is not what we’re here to do. We’re children of God, first and foremost. And if you all live that out when it comes time to vote, and you make sure that you sign up and you go vote in one form or another, early, late or you know, whatever you’re allowed to do, make sure that you’re counted. That is so important. But don’t forget, you’ve got to be courageous. You’ve got to talk to your neighbors. You got to make a choice of who you tell the good news to, and the good news, a lot of it is about this wonderful country that you live in. Thank you for being with me today, guys, thank you for this wonderful show. God bless all of you. You know, I always tell you the same thing we’re on CPAC, or you can go to Elaine and see all the things that we’re doing. God be with you and know that we’re always praying for you. Please pray for us.

Mercedes Schlapp 21:03
Thank you. Elaine, God bless Bye, bye. Guys. You.

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