Princess, Protector, Politically Involved (ft. EmmaSara McMillion)

Parenthood changes everything! God established the family to be the pillars that hold up everything that people do.

Government? You need families!

Education? You need families!

Churches? You need families!

And no one is speaking more clearly on this topic than the beautiful EmmaSara McMillion. She’s a mother to eight kids and a leader in the movement to support families and show parents just how important this next election is for the future of our nation.

Listen in!



Elaine Beck 0:11
Hi everyone. I’m Elaine Beck, and this is our show. It’s not about us, and we are so excited today we have this beautiful woman who had eight children and is out there serving God and doing wonderful things, and I would like to introduce her. Her name is EmmaSara, and Emma, we met just a few months ago. It’s just been it was such a pleasure meeting you and talking with you then, and so excited about having you on it’s not about us. Can you tell the my audience a little bit about yourself? Sure,

EmmaSara McMillion 0:51
and thank you so much for having me. It was such a pleasure to have you on our show as well. So I am EmmaSara McMillian, the mom of eight kids. I am the woman who never wanted to have kids, and now I have, literally, I’m building this kingdom with eight kids that God gifted me after I gave my heart to the Lord. I really it was fear Elaine about not wanting to bring kids into an evil and corrupt world. I was 20, you know something, and I thought, you know, I don’t want to have kids in an evil and corrupt world. Man who wanted to have kids, and you know, he had to pray that God would change my heart. God did change my heart. And wouldn’t you know it that this is the this is how the enemy works. Elaine is that he will try to go after our calling. And my name is EmmaSara McMillian. EmmaSara is universal mother. My middle name means princess. And so from the very beginning, I had a calling to be a mother, raise up royalty. And from the very beginning, the enemy was trying to get me not to have kids, because he knew what I would be doing once I had them. And so we have a TV show. We have two TV shows, Ignite voices, TV, which is political and issues. And then we have another show called The mother of change show. And I have, like, maybe about eight books. My kids are authors and doing amazing things, and so we’re very passionate about restoring the breach, and specifically families in our nation and in our world.

Elaine Beck 2:13
That is so awesome. I know that you know, when I met you, you’re this teeny little gal, and you’ve just got you exude strength and power, and we all know where that comes from. It’s not about what size you are physically, it’s about the size of your heart and your closeness and your relationship with our Lord and Savior. So I, you know, you and I hit it off immediately. We just couldn’t talk enough about God and the strength it gives us. And I was amazed to hear about your children and how they’ve all gone in the right direction. And you know, this is what happens when you raise them up in the way that they should go. They will never stray from that and or they’ll come back, for sure. Yeah, yeah. She came out. Tell us a little bit more about some of the some of the areas that you mean the most to you. Where is your strongest points? Right now? What is it you want to tell my audience?

EmmaSara McMillion 3:15
I want to tell your audience that protection, protection, protection. That’s my heart. But I realized that God gave me this harder protection so that I could raise up a mighty army, not with just within my walls, but that my kids could go out and that we could be a pillar in society. Because today, families are under are they’re divided and they’re not united. Elaine, and what I see is that the enemy has come in society through schools. He has come even through the church, and has separated kids from their their families. So even everything that McMillions do, I always say, we rise together, we fall together. And if one gets in trouble, y’all gonna get in trouble. So you need to make sure that you’re making right decisions, because what you do will impact the whole and so by doing that, it’s kind of like military one man falls y’all have to do 10 push ups because this this guy has made a mistake. And so I want to encourage families to stay united. I want them to be encouraged to look at what’s going on in this political year. Because what happens in this political year, I believe Elaine, what God told me is that this year is the beginning of what is a precursor for what’s happening for the next decade. And so we vote this year will literally impact the next decade. And if you don’t go out and vote, then they literally the responsibility will be on your shoulders up when you have the chance. And so we vote because, and I haven’t ever been some you know, passionate about a voting season, as I have this time, because I really believe that our voice will be heard in the voting booth this year, and we vote family values. We vote for protecting our faith. We vote for being able to speak like we are right now. Elaine and we won’t be quiet, even if they try to shut us up, because we have to fight for our families safe, amen. We have to fight for their protection. But I know you know I was I love. What you’re doing with your mandate and what with what you’re doing from November to November. We don’t have to fight with our hands. We can fight in prayer, and we can fight at the polls.

Elaine Beck 5:09
Amen. Amen. Yes, you know, ever since we brought that about and we started doing the national season of forgiveness, which was from November to November, and that, I mean, you wouldn’t believe how exponentially it’s growing. So thank you for bringing that up. I know that I spoke with Dr Carson’s assistant yesterday, Andrew, and he was telling me that Dr Carson is doing a couple shows every week, radio shows just about the WANE project, that we are not enemies, and that’s what we all have to understand, that God put us here to love one another. I mean, his he says the first thing is to love him, but the second thing is, what? To love your neighbor as yourself. You can’t do that and hate everyone. You can’t do that and and turn on everybody. You can’t do that and not forgive because we’re all sinners. I mean, we’re no better than anybody else. We’re not to compare ourselves and say, My sins littler than your sin. Or, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s just so beautiful. And I know that we’re reaching hundreds of 1000s of people. We may not hear it every moment, but it’s out there and it’s spreading, and I’m seeing results. Are you seeing the results that I am I am not seeing the truths that are starting to come out, even in Washington, DC, the ugly and the awful and the wicked is starting to pour out of the cracks and stuff, and God has to have that happen in order to show us his strength and how he can save us, and we all have to stand with him. So Emma, I just love your heart and the family thing to me is is just like so powerful. So what do you suggest to my listeners as far as, how can you make your family stronger? How can they do that? You know, what? What would you direct them to do?

EmmaSara McMillion 7:09
So we I would definitely say the word is the foundation of our home. It should be the foundation of society. And I think a lot of families have kind of put it to the side and left it to true pastors. And so I would say the foundation is in the Word. And if you’re a family who hasn’t started reading the Word together, I always say, start in Proverbs as a family to read together. So proverbs a day, for whatever the day is. So if it’s the first you read Proverbs, one, it’s if it’s the 30th, you read Proverbs, 30th, or Proverbs, 30. And I’m telling you, we did that for years with our kids growing up, and it never got old, and there was always something new to follow, and their principles for life. And so they are, if your kids don’t know the word, how are they going to know how what to stand up for as far as morality is concerned? And so our morality is found in Scripture. This society is the morals are degrading, and that’s because they’ve lost the word in the family. So I would say the fact the word is the foundation for rebuilding families.

Elaine Beck 8:05
Well, you know, you couldn’t have hit my heart any any better than to say proverbs. Because, you know, the name of our studio is PMG for proverbs Media Group. Because we, you know, when God, when I ask him for a name of what I should be doing, he sent me straight to Proverbs. Because what’s in Proverbs, Wisdom and Knowledge, what does it that’s what it speaks to and it also, like you said, That’s Biblical values, you know. How do you know what right and wrong is? If you don’t read in there that it is wrong for a man to do this, but it’s right for a man to do this. Or if you do something wrong, you will pay the penalty. If you do something right, you will reap the reward. It’s there over and over in every one of them. It’s actually exciting reading, especially when you do it with somebody, because then you can sit and discuss, well, how do you feel about that, you know, because actually, you know, if you read some of those, you can really start seeing, ooh, I’m not doing what I should or, or, you know, make you stop and think about how you can better yourself. Well, if we better ourselves, then we set a better example for others, and as parents and grandparents and and even great grandparents, that’s what we’re told to do, that the old should lead the young, right? Yes. And so no matter where you are in life, you have a family. You were born into a family. If you weren’t born into a family, you were adopted into a family. If you weren’t adopted into a family, surround yourself with like minded Christians. They are your family, because that’s what God says, that we are his family. And how exciting is that, that we have everybody that. Why I loved it that you and I just bonded like, boom on the spot. We know what that is. It’s the joy of the Lord. Yes, am I right?

EmmaSara McMillion 10:09
Yes. I’m like, hallelujah over here. Yes, absolutely. Just to let you know your testimony, I loved your story so much. I mean, yours was one of the first stories I wanted to share on our show, because I My community is moms, right? And so I’m like, too, and we have moms who are single, and things didn’t work out for whatever reason. That’s between them and God. But they are, they are like, they want to do godly things, though. So that for the single moms out there who said, emissary, you know, I actually want to raise my kids in the Lord. I want my sons to be strong man, masculine men in society. I want to I want to encourage you to watch our episode with Elaine on ignite voices TV. We do have it on YouTube. Elaine, it is going to be one of our TV show episodes as well. But I immediately, I was like, I just need to put it on YouTube, because everybody needs to see it. Everybody needs to share Elaine’s story. If you want encouragement, oh my gosh. So Cinderella, I’m like, It’s Cinderella’s story. It’s Prince Charming story. It is a real fairy tale.

Elaine Beck 11:06
Thank you. Yeah. Well, you know, we give all the glory to God, though, if I hadn’t gone through that, if all of us didn’t go through our trials, which God said there will always be trials, not occasionally, if we didn’t go through those where would we Why would we need strength? Why would we need him? He wants us to come to Him and ask for help. So if you’re somebody out there right now, and you’re listening to EmmaSara and I, and you’re you’re lost right now, or you’re scared, or you’re frightened about life, or you’re questioning where you are and stuff, you know, there’s only one place to go, and that’s to Jesus Christ, that’s to God, that’s to humble yourself and say, I need you. I need you in my life. I give my life to you. I admit I’m a sinner, you know, take this from me, Lord, and I’ll tell you what. He will lift your life, and you will know things like you’ve never known before. You can read the Bible, and you know, I’ve heard people say I read the Bible, and it didn’t make any sense to me. Well, you know, you have to really feel that connection with the Lord. You need to let him know that you are ready, that you need Him, and He will answer that call every time, every day, every minute. We all have our weak moments, and he will pull you back in and hug you like you’ve never been hugs before, right?

EmmaSara McMillion 12:30
Yes, absolutely. So he’s always faithful. He’s always faithful. And it doesn’t matter how many times we’ve messed up. A righteous man will fought. It says seven times, right? But I it’s 7 million times in a lifetime. I mean, how many times, honestly? But I love even this morning, I was, you know, I was in repentance this morning. And I love your initiative, because it’s rooted in repentance. It’s rooted in it’s rooted in forgiveness, right? You can’t have forgiveness. You can’t everybody wants repentance, but when you talk about forgiveness, it’s harder to forgive than it is to ask for repentance, but it’s the key, and it’s a precursor to So, yes,

Elaine Beck 13:08
you are so right. Well, Emma, this has been a total joy to have you on my show. Thank you for putting me on your show and and I just really love that God uses us together. We’re sisters in Christ. There’s nothing more profound than that, than knowing that our real father, our ultimate Father, is the one that’s in heaven, and that’s who we can talk to and pray to every day, that’s who sent His Son to die for us. We have all of that every moment, even when I have moments when I’m sorrowful and I get sorrowful. We all do. We all have have things in our lives that aren’t easy, but you know what? He will pick you up every time. He will take your lemons and turn them into lemonade, and he will put that joy in your heart and that peace beyond all understanding, no matter what the trial is. So Emma, thank you again for being with us. We really enjoyed it, and I know that the main thing right now that I want you to do is share with my audience. How do they reach out to you again, and where can they they get a hold of you if they have questions or desire to know your shows better.

EmmaSara McMillion 14:27
Thank you so much. So they can find me at Ignite, in MOTHER OF, and they can find all of our show information there, Book Information, everything there. Well,

Elaine Beck 14:38
EmmaSara, God bless you. Thank you for being on my show, and thanks all of you for listening. I mean this, if this didn’t lighten your heart a little bit and give you some direction and make you feel a little lighter today, I don’t know what will but we’re praying for you all the time, all of you out there. So pray for us. Pray for our guests. Pray and also we’re. Reach out to us at Elaine anytime to see my shows or to reach out to us. We love you all. God bless you and thanks for being here.

EmmaSara McMillion 15:10
Thank you for having me. Thank you. You’re

Elaine Beck 15:11
welcome. Honey, thank you.

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