Elaine Beck 0:00
Elaine Beck, hi everyone. Elaine Beck, here and this, as you know, is it’s not about us. My show that talks about the good things that are happening in the country, in amongst all of the evil and the deceit, is a wonderful God who serves us that we should serve every day, and he loves us and takes care of us. So today, I have a young man here who I started a program called the walk away program, where he is telling people to walk away from the Democratic Party, no matter what your viewpoint is, no matter what you do in life, you don’t need to be running with these people that are trying to destroy our country. Am I right?
Brandon Straka 1:04
Totally, totally right. And I would add to that, we’re trying to get people woken up, thinking for themselves, walking away from the fake news. Media, amen, please. The brainwashing the media propaganda, and it’s everywhere. As you know, grade schools, high schools, colleges, entertainment industry, it’s everywhere. So what we’re trying to do is get people to see, and I put a little extra focus on minorities. If you’re black, Hispanic, Jewish, LGBT, whatever. I think that the Democrats have really manipulated and brainwashed these groups. And so we’re trying to say, look, if you want to be a Democrat, be a Democrat, but don’t feel like you have to be a Democrat just because of the color of your skin, your gender, your sexual orientation, or what Hollywood is telling you to do.
Elaine Beck 1:51
Absolutely. I love that. I think the whole thing for me is that we’re so privileged still, even as bad as things are, we’re still privileged enough that we can still speak out. Do we have a big voice? No. Are they handling most of the media and lying and deceiving? Yes, but you know what, if we say it often enough and long enough and in enough places, and if you reach out to your neighbors, your friends, your relatives, everybody you know, speak the truth and love. That’s what my pastor would say. He would say, you know, yeah, is somebody going to get upset at you, or is somebody going to try and talk over what you’re saying. That doesn’t mean that you don’t at least try to share the truth, right, you know? And, and if they get upset, if they I had a mother in law that said, if they get mad at you, they can get glad again. And, and it’s the truth sometimes you have to speak the truth in love. They may not want to hear it, but if you love them enough, you will tell them the truth. You will put it in front of them.
Brandon Straka 3:12
Well, can I tell you too? That’s what you’re saying. Is is a, is a, an essential piece of what we do with walk away. Because what we did initially was we created a Facebook group where we encouraged people to join the hashtag, walk away campaign, Facebook group, right? And share their own stories. Use your own voice. All you have to do is point ever we’ve all got a phone in our pocket, point it at yourself and tell your story about why you’re walking away. Okay, we had hundreds of 1000s of people who joined the movement, 10s of 1000s of videos, and it’s literally just people using their voice in that way and sharing their stuff. That’s right. What’s really cool is, like I said, we have so many racial minorities and things like that, and people are saying, Look, my parents were Democrats. My grandparents were Democrats. I was always told because I was black, I had to be a Democrat, or whatever the reason is. And now they’re saying, But wait a minute, I’m paying attention now. I’m starting to think for myself, and I’m seeing that our communities are being lied to. We’re being exploited. We’re being manipulated. They’re trying to control the way that we think and the way we feel and ultimately, the way that we vote, right? Right? And so that’s the power of speaking up and sharing your story. Now, Facebook did take our group down, of course, but we’ve launched a new group. We’re starting again. We even launched our own app called walkaway socials. That’s ours. It’s safe, but we’re gonna keep going, and people are gonna keep telling the truth and sharing their stories. And we are changing hearts and minds one at a time.
Elaine Beck 4:41
I love that and and that’s that’s so important, you know, I have learned that if you don’t get in people’s face, yeah, that’s, this is where you make the mistake people you can’t go to, even a close friend or a relative or something, say, you know what you’re doing. One is wrong, right? You’re bad. You know, shame on you. You need to do it the way I do it, right, right? These are things nobody wants to hear. Do you want to hear that? No, no, none of us do. No, I would be offended, right? But you can speak the truth in love, that’s right, and you can say it in a way that they can, they’ll at least listen. Might they still reject it, yeah, but at least they heard you. That’s right. If they heard you, you planted a seed. That’s right. Okay, so if, instead of going, you know, just like you can’t say to a teenager, well, that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done instead, why not just say, you know, sweetie, this is something that you know. It’s causing you grief now, and I don’t like to see you unhappy. I don’t like to see you upset, right? I don’t want you to feel guilty. You know, in order to avoid that, you need to do A, B and C, and then we’ll all be happier. And that’s what I want, right? You know, the whole big difference, right? What’s the same thing with politics? It’s the same thing with, you know, what you believe in religion, you know, God’s word, whatever it is that you’re speaking, if you go to people, I I’ve had many people say to me, you know, I can’t stand that. When other people start, God this and God batting me, why is it? I’m so comfortable with you saying it, and I always tell him this. I’m not forcing anything on anybody. I’m telling you the story of my life, right? The story of my life includes God healing me overnight from an incurable disease. If I can share that with you, it might help open your eyes to there’s a God that loves you enough to do that, right? But I’m not going to shove it down your throat because you wouldn’t listen no more than you wanted to listen to those other people. And they’re like, you’re right. I said this is natural for me. When you have lived something and you have prospered from it, and you have benefited from it, and you have found grace and peace in it, even in the worst of times, why wouldn’t you want to share the greatest thing that ever happened to you?
Brandon Straka 4:41
Well, I got excited a moment ago when you talked about planting seeds, because that’s exactly what it is. And the whole reason I started walk away in the first place is because that is what happened to me. I was a I was a former Liberal, a Democrat my entire life, right? I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 I know, and it was, you know, when Donald Trump got elected, it began this process of opening my eyes about the media. It took a lot of research and investigation, but finally I put the pieces of the puzzle together, and what I realized was all those seeds that people had planted in me for years, it all started to make sense all of a sudden. And finally, amen, finally, it became crystal clear what the message was. And so that’s what we do. When we share our stories and we share our lived Testament, we plant seeds, and when the time is right, the light will go on for people, right?
Elaine Beck 8:18
And you were talking about, you know this one’s saying that their parents, well, my parents were Democrats, yeah, and the reason my parents were Democrat was back in those years, the Democrats were the ones that were fighting for justice,
Brandon Straka 8:35
very different party, very different,
Elaine Beck 8:38
total opposite of what they are now, yes, they were feeling they were trying to protect those that were hungry and hurting. They were trying to show love and compassion for others. That was the name of the game. Now it’s let’s see who we can insult and hurt and mess up their lives and take away their freedoms and and be selfish and make the these wonderful dollars off of other people’s back skins. And, you know, everything, it’s, it’s sad,
Brandon Straka 9:14
it’s horrific, and it’s, you know, I walked away, what, 567, years ago, and because it became too extreme for me at that point. Right now, I look at what’s happened over the last five years, and I never I talked to a good friend of mine who walked away from the Democrats around the same time I did. He and I were talking the other day and saying we’d never even dreamed five years ago. We I mean, rounding people up from their homes and throwing them in prison over things like going to church or not getting a vaccine or walking inside of the Capitol or, you know, right, exactly, you know, government shutdowns and, I mean, it’s very scary, authoritarian kind of times that we’re living in now. And I think it’s accelerating at a level that it’s right.
Elaine Beck 10:00
that’s, that’s the part that that really, I think, bothers the American people, because I can relate to this. You can relate to this. You just said it five years ago. You started this. Yes, so it’s grown, but the worsening of America has grown at a faster pace than what we can fight. So I’m going to rely on God and Jesus. I still believe with all my heart that they are going to save us. They are, you know, it says in His Word that if we trust in Him and we believe in Him, that He will save us. And I love the fact that you know we just started the national season of forgiveness, uh, going from November 26 of last year till November 26 coming up this year to pray for your enemies. Because God says, if you turn from your wicked ways, what would you call wicked ways?
Brandon Straka 11:02
What would I call wicked ways? I think wicked way. If I had to boil it down to one thing, I would say a lack of truth. I think when you intentionally lie and deceive people, and you manipulate people, that, to me, I think, is one of the greatest forms of wickedness, right?
Elaine Beck 11:18
It is a what causes wickedness, but the wickedness is hate, anger, fighting back deceit, all these things where comparing yourself to someone else and say, Well, my sin is not as bad as theirs, right? Yeah, okay, yeah. Because you know, God will forgive any sin, yeah, any sin. If you repent and say, what would he say to you in that moment? He say, Go and sin no more. And then you do that, and it’s all over, yeah? He it’s like, he says it’s, it’s, it’s gone forever. It’s erased, totally erased. Well, here’s the thing, it’s so wonderful that he can do that and he will do that. So why wouldn’t somebody want that, right? You know, yes, and so I just love that we are fortunate enough to have a God who sent His Son to die for us. I mean, what more can you do to overcome the devil, to overcome death, okay? And so we have that, but we have to get our stuff together. Yes, we have to understand that when he says the greatest commandment, oh, other than loving Him, first is to love your neighbors yourself. Can we do that and hate No? Can we do that and be vengeful? No. Can we do that and and feel like as if we’re better than everybody? No. So he’s telling us, pray for your enemies. Pray for them to stop doing that too. Is that the only way that he can bring all of us together? And he wants us all in heaven? Yes, every one of us, yes,
Brandon Straka 13:02
I believe that it is, it’s challenging. Can we acknowledge that it’s challenging? Oh, absolutely. Because it is not always easy these days to forgive people who you feel like are trying so hard to harm you. Absolutely hold dear, but I do. I love your your message and and what you’re saying that we must unite and we must somehow get past this time that we’re in right now, or we’re in for a world of destruction. And I don’t think any of us want to see that.
Elaine Beck 13:29
No, no, we don’t. We don’t. Well, I gotta tell you, wonderful having you on my show. Good talk. I think what you’re doing is, although it’s all those things. It’s challenging, and all that kind I get it, but everything in this life is challenging. Yes, one of the things that, the first things that God told me in the Bible was, there will always be trials. He didn’t say it occasionally, once in a while, right? He said, always, so we’re always fighting the battle to do right versus wrong. Yes, we’re always got, you know, I remember when I was a little kid, somebody saying, you know, you got the devil over here and you got God over here, and you gotta decide whether you’re going to go this way or that way. Well, that’s sort of our life, yes, our entire life. If we give our lives and we do the right things, God is going to give us eternity. I’m willing to do that. Small price, small price. I agree. Is there a way we can reach out? Can you tell everybody your full name and how they can reach out to you?
Brandon Straka 14:39
Certainly can. So my name is Brandon strock. My last name is actually spelled s, t, R, A, K, a, like Straka, but for some reason, pronounce and we’re talking about the hashtag, walk away campaign. If people want to join our new group on Facebook, just go to facebook and join a hashtag, walk away campaign, or we created you can go to join walkaway.com Com, that’s also an easy way to do it, and they can learn more about what we do at our website, which is walk away campaign.com
Elaine Beck 15:03
right? And that means that we’re going to walk away from being Democrats, progressiveness and the things that they try and make sound good.
Brandon Straka 15:15
We know it’s all a lie, and we’re going to walk toward a unified, better country. Amen. Amen. Thanks
Elaine Beck 15:21
everybody for being here today and coming to our show. You know you can always go to Elaine beck.com see all the shows. Remember, I’m always praying for you. So God bless. Remember,