Criminals Crossing the Southern Border (ft. Jaeson Jones)

Do you need the hard and fast facts on how BAD it is getting on the southern border?

My new friend Jaeson Jones has made it his mission to spread the word about how dangerous the situation has become. There is a WAR happening right now down here and Biden and Border Czar Kamala are letting the enemy’s troops come marching in uninhibited.

The people NEED TO KNOW, so share this conversation far and wide! This election will be our last chance to stop it.



Elaine Beck 0:11
Hi everyone. I’m Elaine Beck, and this is it’s not about us, our show that speaks to the idea that God is the one in control, that we have to remember that evil lurks everywhere. It’s out to kill and destroy, but that God is always stronger. And so our show is to help people in this country know that there’s wonderful people like our guests today that are out there fighting the battle between good and evil, and the battles that we live our lives around, because it’s, you know, God says that we are not supposed to be of the world and that we are to be the light that shines. And so I want to introduce you today my special guest. His name is Jaeson Jones, what a nice, simple name you have. Jaeson, welcome to my show.

Jaeson Jones 1:06
It’s great to be with you, and thank you for the invitation.

Elaine Beck 1:09
Oh well, you know, one of the major things that we’ve all been battling for over three years is the fact that the current leadership opened the border wide, unapologetically, destroyed all of the the wonderful programs that President Trump had in place. He just, you know, he all but went and packed their suitcases for him. And you know, said, Come on in. And they’ve lied and lied and lied and said that, you know, the borders closed and everything’s safe and and yet we have staggering numbers. So I am so honored that you decided that you would come and tell the truth, the Absolute Truth, as you live it and see it every day. You’re not just repeating somebody else’s ideas, you’re actually in it. So can you start sharing with us how you got involved in this and and where we stand.

Jaeson Jones 2:23
You bet I I’m a retired captain from the Texas Department of Public Safety’s intelligence and counterterrorism division. I ran the Texas Rangers border security operations center for many years, and drove operations in Mexico to rescue Mexican citizens and people who were migrating through that country into the US and who were being killed in mass numbers. I worked the horrible incidents like in St Louis Potosi, with 72 migrants massacred by the LA Zetas, the 300 men, women and children killed in Elaine day and many, many other horrible incidents. And I was so angry that what was happening down there that was impacting Americans every day was not being told to the American people. So after retiring in 2016 I went public, and today I’m NewsMax’s national border correspondent. But what you need to know is this, is that what we have witnessed at the Southwest border is so far beyond an immigration layer, I call it the largest US intelligence failure since 911 and right now, as I’m talking to you, we have seen a lot of what I call major, significant trip wires impacting the American people. Not only did we open our borders to the world and the world’s problems, right? If you look at where we are today, what that has brought us is well over 12 billion illegal immigrants into this country. 12 million.

Elaine Beck 3:44
12 million, okay?

Jaeson Jones 3:44
And that’s according to CBP data, if you include the known got aways, the 2 million known got aways, right? That’s one. Now, why is that different than before? Never mind the overwhelming numbers. We’ve had people from over 177 countries. Now overlay that, again, with deadly fentanyl, para fentanyl, sero fentanyl, also now mixed with xylazine and netazine coming into the country, killing our citizens in mass numbers. We’ve never seen that. And then the last thing here are the Middle East terrorists and those who are known terrorists on the FBI watch list for all your viewers right now, what you need to know is that in the last nine months at your southwest border. According to CBP data, anybody can go look at that, US Border Patrol have apprehended 93 individuals. Now I want to say that again, 93 why is that important? We have never seen numbers like that ever. When I was running the Texas Rangers border security operations center right, we would average three, maybe six a year. We’ve never seen anything like what we’re seeing right now. So one of the things that I say, and I mean this to the core of who I am, is that you are going to hear from all of these pundits. It’s about national security and because that’s the old, outdated mindset, right? And you open your borders. And you open your borders to the world, the problem is now walking among us, and we are hearing it and feeling it every day, through the overdoses, through the brutal sexual assaults and murders of men, men, women and children, and then also the number of terrorists that are crossing this border that now walk among us.

Elaine Beck 5:17
Dear God, that is just amazing, you know, we we just can’t say enough. We can’t open enough ears. We’re so stifled by the media not telling the truth, the major media, and so I, I always feel like God is responding usually when all of you who know it and live it like I said, I mean, you’re not. This isn’t second hand knowledge. This is years of experience. Okay, I’m actually living it and and so for you, I would love to see you on every station on every small to medium to big to whatever. And if there’s anything I can do to help you with that, I would do it. I think that getting you and the people like you that are the major players for the good, the major people who want to save this country, the major people that are willing to risk their lives every day, by speaking out, by going to the border, by teaching others how to do the right things To take care of this. I mean, we can’t, we can’t spread that fast enough and quick enough, and I feel like we’ve had many opportunities. But just like, you know, in church yesterday, my pastor was talking about the evil that came out at the Olympics on Friday night, and how it’s time for every American citizen, particularly those believers that know the Lord, to finally stand up and say, No, we’re not taking this anymore and and we will do whatever it takes, from my house and out no matter where you live. So like I said, if there’s anything I can do to help, what do you see you you mentioned to me off off the record about in the last week some major changes. Can you share with us what those are? Sure

Jaeson Jones 7:38
I’ve been talking about it today on national news, we’ve had three Palestinians that crossed the southern border in the San Diego sector. When they crossed, a great Border Patrol agent just said, Something’s wrong here, and did phone exploitation on each one of their phones. Here’s what you need to know about these people that are crossing from the Middle East. There’s no databases for us to vet them right? See, the American people have been completely lied to on this when you hear we’re properly vetting people from Secretary Mayorkas, yeah, absolute lies. There’s no databases to check here. So because this agent looked at their phones and started exploiting their phones, he was able to find one of them had a picture of an AK 47 with an individual care wearing what we call a balacalava mask, a typical Hamas member mass that you see along hold an AK 47 that resulted in notifying the Joint Terrorism Task Force with the FBI, and now, so far, they’ve got three in custody. That’s a great example of things we used to never see in the past that are now coming in. Now, why is that important? Well, the US intelligence agencies recently admitted that. And by the way, what is Hamas? Hamas and the Palestinians coming a proxy for Iran, and the US intelligence agencies this week admitted that there is a known assassination plot against President Trump. That’s right, you’ve got to draw the lines. And you know, I don’t like this terminology where you they say, you know, you gotta, you know, connect the dots, if you hate that terminology. But you when you look at the totality of the circumstances, all of it connects, and look at the timing of it, you see what I’m getting at. Oh yeah. Now over overlay that with what I just talked about, the public safety threats. In the last 24 hours, we had a San Antonio police officer female involved in a gun battle last night with a Venezuelan who was illegally who’s an illegal alien in the country. She’s fighting for her life as I’m sitting here talking to you right now, sir, God. And we had a woman in New York City in front of a shelter with all of these illegals who was shot in the face. We had two males shot, and now NYPD is now surging into the area, and Mayor Adams is bringing in extra reinforcements to protect those blocks around the shelters. This is what I’m talking about, about America’s new norm that most of the media will not communicate to you where we are, right. It’s just a fact of life. You can’t let. In what we know of 12 million, and I will promise you that number is probably double if you look, if you really understand absolutely when our borders are agree, this is why we’re in a new world of public safety. Now, let me validate that every day, Americans are hearing about a woman being sexually assaulted, some kind of an assault or shooting, like I’m describing to you. And this is where we are as the problem now walks among us. And I can’t stress my concerns on national television, on alternative media like this and others that I do every day, all day, and the importance of it

Elaine Beck 10:31
, right? Well, you know the fact of the matter is, is we are in a position where people are constantly saying we could end up in a third world war. I disagree with them. I believe we are in a third world war. I believe that it, it may not be what one would picture as, you know, the big mushroom cloud. It’s not the, you know, they’re hitting us with planes and stuff. But instead, they are so clever that they have used our own people to sneak in the evil and have it walk amongst us, to slowly and painfully tear us apart, turn us against each other, and kill us off. And if that isn’t the worst war that there is, I can’t imagine it. You know, it’s a lot easier to get you know if somebody’s going to kill you, you wouldn’t you rather be instantaneous. You know, boom, you’re dead. You didn’t have to suffer, you didn’t have to worry, you didn’t have to contend with the what ifs and where is it safe? And can I even go to the store? And can I go to see a rally? Can I, can I go out on the street safely? You know, I I’ve got someone that works here at my studio that her and her boyfriend were shot at three times on i 10 between Phoenix and Tucson on Easter. I mean, we don’t know where the next bullet, where the next fire, where the next attack? Look at the fire in California, they’ve already, you know, it’s gotten so big, and yet a person started it. Think about that people what can actually happen and what we’ve got here. And correct me if I’m wrong, Jaeson, is you are sharing with the general people at large to understand that we are allowing the worst of the worst to come in. Now I I want to point something out, and I want your opinion on it. I have heard that. You know, there are people in other countries, leaders that are shoving out their bad people. I’ve also heard of different people, you know, leaders that have you know, started getting rid of all of their evil and putting them in jail in that but if I heard that, and I was one of those bad people. I’d run and I’d run to the nearest border that was open, where I could do my dirty work there.

Jaeson Jones 13:29
Well, Said,

Elaine Beck 13:31
and I think that’s exactly what’s happening.

Jaeson Jones 13:34
Well, look at, look at the kind of people we’ve been apprehending at the Southwest border, like the terrorists we just talked about, right sex offenders that have been crossing the cartel members and the long list goes on trend. They are agua from Venezuela. You’re absolutely right in what you’re saying, and what you’ve described too, is a whole new type of warfare that most Americans are not familiar with. We call it fifth generation warfare, and this is the cyber attacks like you’re talking about, the wildfires, the not so much the clear kinetics that we remember historically in World War Two and World War One, right? So you’re dealing with misinformation wars that are taking place in the digital format, like we’re talking about, how media tells the American people one thing that is completely false from the reality on the borders, which is why I go to the borders every other week and try to illuminate it so that we can eliminate it, and then turn around and watch as lie after lie has told the American people about what’s really taken place here. It’s stunning. And we’re in a place in our country where our media, in many cases traditional media as we know them, they’re dead. I mean, they’re a dying entity. Their numbers are dropping. that’s right. They truly are aligned with certain, you know, mindsets in the political world. So I will tell you, I’m 100% with you. It is happening around us, but the way we beat through that is one. We tell the truth. We go down. We show it, which is exactly why we’re doing what we’re doing. We never shut down. I work seven days a week, just so you know, I just got back from Long Island New York yesterday, where I was there doing a human trafficking conference the landscape now. And what I tell everyone is, watch in the next decade, between what local, state and federal law enforcement become and evolve into, we’re going to see a transition there that we’ve never seen as a direct result of opening our borders to the world and to the world’s problems,

Elaine Beck 15:29
right, right? Well, you know, I don’t have the biggest platform, but it gets bigger all the time because people understand now that they are being lied to, and the more people that we can help them grasp that, the more they will turn away from the lies and the media and God willing, four months from now, this country will go back into the hands of someone Who’s a patriot and President Trump. You know, who I admire and look to, and saw him do the right thing for four years, and then now here we are. Sadly, I feel that, you know, I’ve told everybody this, you know, God allowed this last group to come in so we could see the realities of where things really were. If the media had stayed in place and President Trump had gone on just done his next four years, they would have continued to lie and build their story and make things worse behind the scenes, and God knows what would have happened had they gotten in now. But instead, God wisely chose for us to have to see and live the truth so that eyes would be open. So we pray for the enemies. Every day we pray, you know, I I’m a co founder with Dr Ben Carson on the WANE project, we are not I suggest everybody goes to that and prays for our enemies, not because we agree with them or want, God knows, we don’t want them to do any the things they’re doing, but we want the veil to be removed from their eyes so they can see the evil they’re doing, so that they can turn to Christ and turn away from their wicked ways, as the Bible says, you know, Jaeson, I can’t thank you enough. I’d love to have you regular on my show. We can talk about that. I think that you know I I’m on CPAC now, which has a great, big following. And congratulations, thank you. And and I feel that the more we speak the truth in love, as the Bible calls it, the truth in love. And so can I ask you, do you have a last final word today for those out there, and how we can do the best things,

Jaeson Jones 18:03
you bet. And first, I just want to say thanks for having me, and would love to come back on anytime. And I truly mean that one thing I want to leave all of your followers with is that when we look at everything through the lens of what’s happening in the United States, I want you to understand one of the reasons I came public and I’m doing what I’m doing now is because these cartels have evolved into a parallel government in Mexico and everything we’ve discussed today, whether it be the Middle East terrorists coming in deadly fentanyl that’s killing 100,000 Americans plus every year now for the last three years, human smuggling and trafficking of men, women and children, they are the synergy who work with long haul smugglers, what we call the underground Uber with the alien smuggling organizations with US based street gangs, what we call tier one gangs as well, and the Middle East terrorist organizations. So when I tell you that they should be one of our major focuses, securing our border is actually very simple. That’s the easiest part of all of this, right? But going after these organizations that are operating global. Remember, the Sinaloa Cartel, for example, is in 54 countries. And this one impacts you the most because they cover all of Arizona. They cover it all right? We’re literally El Paso all the way through the San Diego, California. Is why you have so much deadly fentanyl pouring into Arizona right now, right? But they are the synergy behind it, and what we’re going to have to do is get the terrorism designation, get our government focused on this. But I want everyone to know this, this is absolutely fixable. Absolutely we’re going to have to get we’re going to have to get very tough, very fast. And to those who have hurt so many Americans, shame on them, because very soon the best of the best are going to be coming for them. Thank you very much for having I really appreciate

Elaine Beck 19:48
Thank you and God bless you. And to all of my viewers. You know, I always pray for you. Pray for Jason and all the men and women like him that every day serve this. Country and hunt down the bad individuals at risk to their own lives. Let’s pray for them. Let’s pray for the innocent people, like the people that he mentioned in the last 24 hours that we know of that have been hurt by illegals. Let’s pray for protection and a hedge around the the people, the children of God in this country and and those that have the power to pray, please pray. That means all of you. So God bless you, and we’ll see you next time you

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