Vote for Virtues & Family Values (ft. Cathi Herrod) PART III

Welcome to the third and final part of this TERRIFIC conversation with Cathi Herrod! We got to the core of what politics is all about: THE FAMILY.

Parents work, buy, and thrive for the sake of the eternal institution they are creating in their children, and so ultimately all of politics comes back to the home.

Join us for a rousing conversation of how to best protect those children today in a world that is bent on their destruction.



Elaine Beck 0:11
Elaine, hi everyone, Elaine, Beck here, and we are so excited that you come to join us on our show today, because we have a wonderful guest and we have wonderful subjects we’re going to talk about. And as you know, the name of our show is, it’s not about us. So we’re always here to encourage you and to give you the good news, although there’s troubles all around us right now, and we’re we’re feel it every day. We see it on the news, we hear it on the news. We’re here to give you some encouragement and give you some wisdom and knowledge so that you can do what’s right. So welcome Kathy, back to our show. Thank you. And our subject that I want to talk about today is very important. It’s about the family and in our country, and I will preface it by saying that I work very closely with Dr Ben Carson, and I’m going to be traveling with him. He just wrote a book about the family, and I want everybody to get it and read it. It just came out a few weeks ago. The name of it is perilous flight. Now you say to yourself, hmm, family, well, he wanted to use some words out of the the song and and he said, perilous fight is so important because that’s what we’re in and the families are deteriorating fast, and it’s what the left wants to happen. They want to tear the family apart. They don’t want us to still look to God. They want us to look to them. They don’t want us to do what’s right for our children, or raise our children up in the way that they should go, like the Bible says, but instead, they want to have control over us and them, and so he decided to write a book on it, and I had just gotten back from Hungary and on a trip there with CPAC and Andrew. Dr Carson’s uh, number one assistant called me up and said, Dr Carson would like to me to run the names, possible names of the new book that he’s written to you and ask you what you think is a good choice. And I said, so What’s the book about? I’d love to I’m honored. And he said, Well, the book is about the deterioration in the family in the United States. And then he went on and he said the three names. And I said, Andrew, please don’t be upset at me. He said, Why would I be upset at you? I said, I didn’t hear any of the names. I said, because the minute you said that, my mind went straight back to Hungary, because hungry has laws and in place like they have a constitution like we do. They have, you know, rules, and they’re cut that run their country, that they live by, and everybody has to follow the same as we should and do. And I said, so the the family is, is number one there. And I started telling him about how you know, after one child, you pay less taxes, and after you have five children, you never pay taxes again in your life, and that that includes adopting children, and that you know you can get earn money to go to college for less by having children and and staying a family, and that all of those things are very important to them. And he said, We you need to talk to Dr Carson. Well, that evening, Dr Carson called me, and we had a nice talk, and I started sharing with him, and I’d gotten out, I had brought back papers with all the stuff on it, and I started reading some of it to him, and I said, Now you don’t want to sit here and listen to me read this whole thing to you, but I know you’ll check it out, and I know that you’re going to want to know all this, because I just think it’s so wonderful. And wouldn’t it be nice if we could do this in our country, and in his wonderful voice, I love that man’s soft but powerful words. When he said, you know, Elaine, you just helped me finish my book. And so he sent me like a month later. Sure the the chapter in the book that he wrote based on Hungary and and with me in it and everything, he asked permission to put me in it and stuff. And so it was really cool. And then he really honored me, and said that he was going to have me travel with him on his book tour him and and candy, I’m going to travel with them and and many of the places that they’re going to and talk on his behalf. So what an exciting thing. But the family is what we need to cherish in this country and with policies and stuff like that, what can you share to let the people in this country know where we’re really standing with some of these issues. Oh, and you’re

Cathi Harrod 5:47
saying that, it makes me think of this saying, as the family goes, so goes the nation. Yes, and I think we have more of an awakening where I think parents often have thought, well, maybe that school knows better than I do what’s best for my child, and that’s been one of the big lies that God has entrusted you as the parent to know what’s best for your child. Amen. So there’s been a raft of parents rights laws throughout the country, and so in Arizona, we have something of a model parents rights law that we work closely with Alliance Defending Freedom, that, of course, is one of the premier Christian legal rights organizations. And our law, for example, says that it’s a fundamental right of parents to oversee the upbringing, health care and education of their children. I love that, and so it’s important for the laws to state that, and then we flesh that out some we get resistance from the left when you’re sharing that we had an incident in the Arizona legislature this year with you know what’s happening so much in the schools is the your mental health is the rising concern, and where there you know that, where the schools are taking on overseeing the mental health of children. So we had a bill that, unfortunately, we couldn’t get to the finish line, because we have a leftist governor, but where the schools have a duty to inform the parents of any any when the child is struggling with gender identity or sexual orientation, and we actually had a senator on the floor of the Senate this last session, Senator Christine Marsh say that the bill would force The teacher to out the student to their parents if they were struggling with gender identity or homosexuality, let’s say that again, would force the student to out. I mean, force the teacher to out the student to their parent.

Elaine Beck 7:32
So to go to the parent and tell them to tell their the parent that

Cathi Harrod 7:36
your child is struggling with, whether they’re gay or trans or want to transition to the other gender. And so I always say, Okay, you want it. You just want everyone to have to understand that. That’s what the left thinks the public school should be doing, that they shouldn’t have to. They don’t have any responsibility to let the parent know when their child is struggling with sexuality. And you want to say, okay,

Elaine Beck 7:59
but Arizona as not allowing that. Yeah,

Cathi Harrod 8:03
you should, you know that they have a duty. You know that it’s you have to tell the parents, the parents that have that duty, but yet, they’re getting by with it. And so that’s where parents have to, you know, we have to strengthen our laws. This same teacher when we’re trying to protect all the issues that are going on with what’s going on in locker rooms and girls privacy, and that same senator said, Well, just put up a shower curtain to protect girls. Privacy coming and so that’s where, you know, parents have, you know, a couple things that come from that on the policy front and the political front, parents have got to know what’s going on in the schools. They got to assert their rights. They’ve got, you know, that it’s going to take time. They can’t just turn over what’s to the state what’s going on. You know, part of protecting the family is parents have got to be on guard and really aware of what’s going on in the schools. And that’s why school choice throughout this country. It’s why we see a growing awareness almost, I won’t use the word revolution, but in some ways, it’s almost on parents rights and on educational freedom, where parents are really coming, coming to the forefront of saying, No, it’s my right to oversee the education of my children, and yes, I want the option to be able to choose the education best meet, best you best, best meeting my children’s needs. So whether that’s homeschooling, whether it’s private education, online academies, charter schools, district schools, that we have, I don’t know the number of states offhand, but the growing number of states where parents have that option now, and where it’s no longer only the alternative of the public schools, and so that’s where parents have. It takes more work on parents. It’s not as simple as just going and enrolling your child in the local public school, but you have to check out the options and see what’s going to be best for your child. And that’s what when with what Dr Carson’s talking about and where the family is going that so much of it begins with what’s going on in the public schools. That’s right, when you look at how many hours a day the child is in the school, and the schools have gotten away from just. Like reading, writing and arithmetic, you know, kind of and so it’s not really the job of the schools to do all the indoctrination to use that word that they’re doing right? And so if you have your child in a in a public school, then you’ve got it. Where’s the academic transparency? Do you know what’s being taught? You know so that, and even you know private schools are not immune either you know, if you have your child in a private school, whatever your school choice is, that’s right, you better make sure you know what what is being taught in the school, that you’re aware that you’re engaged in your child’s education, because that’s where the foundation is happening, and so that so a lot of that with a family, it begins with how they’re being educated, and that that’s, you know, that’s what we’ve seen in our country. Isn’t

Elaine Beck 10:42
it a right in in Arizona, at least. And like I said, people, you got to be checking out your state. Everybody’s got a Caffe Herod somewhere. Okay, find them. Get, get the information that, I think, in the state of Arizona, that the parents have a right to go in the school and walk into the class and observe

Cathi Harrod 11:07
parents have the right in Arizona to access educational materials, right? The schools have to make it be known. The laws kind of differ a little bit on like, you know, do you have the right to go in and look at everything that’s in the library? And, you know, some of these laws aren’t as strong as we’d like them to be, and we have a governor that’s vetoing anything that we’d like. For example, in Arizona, our governor just vetoed a bill do not have sexually explicit materials available in the libraries. You know, some of those kind of things are such common sense. Yeah, she vetoed it. And so, so, so we’ve got, we’ve got a lot of work to do. But that’s why, you know, getting back to the election year, that’s where parents, you know, check out who you’re voting for, for state legislature, right? Because so often throughout the country, it’s the state legislators that are going to stop what’s going on in some of these schools, because these laws restraining the schools from what they’re doing, it starts with what state legislators are doing, with what governors are doing, with what state department of education might be doing, what the curriculum is being selected, all of that, what Planned Parenthood might be doing, with school assemblies and all of that. So there’s, there’s a such a need, and we’ve got a lot of moms groups that have cropped up that are really watching things. Oh, yeah, because that that’s what. What’s going on with sex education? You know, in Arizona, we were able to get a law that, you know, their sex education could not start until fifth grade in Arizona. Now, you know, why do they need to be having sex education at all through fourth at all? But that’s what. But what the left wants is kindergarten through 12th grade sex education every year. No,

Elaine Beck 12:40
here’s the thing, clear back when my kids were in school. I mean, my children are in their 50s, okay? And clear back when they were in school, we were battling against having the school teach sex education, and I think that the battle is still being fought and and if you’re not fighting it, you are allowing all this stuff to happen. You know, I take my share of responsibility. I don’t know about you, Kathy, but I understand now, way too late in some instances, but never too late in reality, we can all fight back that, you know, we we were busy raising families and and, you know, we thought if we went to church on Sunday and we taught our kids about to love the Lord, and all the that everything else was, you know, just vote for somebody. And again, you know, if you like the person, vote for him, if you if it’s a neighbor or something, how nice you know somebody, that’s right. You know that is not what you base your decisions on, dear Lord, please help us understand this. Please let us seek out your wisdom and knowledge in the right places and understand that we cause the problems that we have. We have allowed the devil to come in and run our country. If you don’t fight back now, you won’t have a country, right?

Cathi Harrod 14:21
Yes, you have to watch everything, everything. And you have to whatever state you’re in. You have to find who are the people that you can trust, who you know, and be very careful on that, but who you know, which organizations, if there’s a watchman on the wall there, that you think are watching these things, that okay, you can value them and believe what they’re saying. But if you, if you have school aged children, to say nothing of what college you may send your children to, I mean, that’s all another that’s a whole nother, you know, type of thing, but, but that’s where, but, but, you know, we, we do our best to train up our children in the way they should go, amen. We want to protect them to the best extent we can. Right? We know that there are no perfect churches, no. Perfect schools, but we want to do the best we can and to and to point our certainly, point our children to Jesus in the best we can. But there are things that, you know, we can’t we need do. Need to be on guard about.

Elaine Beck 15:12
And you know, you left out one group, honey. You’re really good at this. But the first thing I thought of is we have to understand there’s no perfect parent, right? Exactly, don’t kill yourself. Yes, no, no. Well, my, you know, I don’t want to offend my child in front of it, and I don’t want them to feel left out, and I don’t want their mother to be the one that goes and and I, you know, Hey, you look in the Bible. I want you to find me, and when you do, you send it to me. I want to know where in the Bible that it shows a family that’s not dysfunctional. Mine’s dysfunctional. Everybody I know has got dysfunction where none of us perfect. Jesus says we sin every day. Okay, does that sin ever cross over to our children. Yes, it does. You know you’re not perfect, but you know what? You’re what they have be there for them, love them, no matter what. You know, I ended up Sadly, in a divorce situation with my children, with my children’s father because he was abusive, we had no choice but to get out of the situation. And because of that, you know, I was a single mom, and I I couldn’t give him a lot, but let me tell you, my kids knew every day they were going to be hugged. Every day they were going to told, be told they that were they were loved. When they made a mistake. I would point out the mistake, but I’d say I don’t like what you did, but I love you. These are the things that we must understand, that no, we’re not perfect, and I can’t sit here, and you can’t sit here and tell these people everything to do and because they’re going to make mistakes, but you know what that child is yours. Love them every day. Let them know it. Don’t ever let them question whether or not they’re loved no matter what, because it doesn’t matter whether you’re perfect or not. God’s got them. He gave them to you. Do the best you can. Thank you for being on our show again. We just love you. Kathy, I want to give you a moment too to repeat again about the voting and on this issue, the abortion issue. Just give them where they can reach out to become more knowledgeable. And what would that be? Thank

Cathi Harrod 17:40
you for voting., on the abortion amendment in Arizona. It goes to and if you want general information on issues like the parents rights and what we’ve talked about,

Elaine Beck 17:53
right? And we’re going to put that on the screen as well, so that everybody’s not trying to, you know, only you want to get a pen, you know. So we try and put that kind of stuff on on the screen so that the guys can show it a couple times during the show. Because really important, these people need to know. They want to know. And we have to be that you’re just such a blessing. Kathy. Oh, thank

Cathi Harrod 18:23
you, Kathy, I

Elaine Beck 18:24
am going to have you back, and we’re going to do more shows. We’re going to keep touching on all of the wonderful issues that you know, God wants us to speak out right now. Why does he give us a voice? Yes, the the media is covering up the truth, and they’re twisting it and all that stuff. But you know what? Talk to your neighbors, your friends. Share with everybody. Tell them to go to Elaine look up the shows that I did with Kathy Herod, and you’ll become more knowledgeable. Bless you all. Have a wonderful week. You know, I’m always praying for you. Please pray for us here at it’s not about us because we want to give you what God wants you to know. God, bless you all, and thank you for being

Unknown Speaker 19:13


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